Incident came out in 2005 and was written and directed by Don Coscarelli (Phantasm anyone??). It was adapted from a short story by cult horror writer Joe R. Landsdale. The movie is about Ellen (played by Bree Turner) who is forced to use the survival skills her husband Bruce (played by Ethan Embry) forced her to learn when her car goes off the road and is being chased by Moonface (played by John De Santis). She first encounters Moonface while she is following a blood trail that leads to the edge of the road and down a hill. There she sees Moonface dragging a woman up over the hill, he sees Ellen and starts to chase after her.
Throughout the movie Ellen has flashbacks of the things that Bruce taught her, which helps her always stay a step ahead of Moonface. She uses two sticks and a pair of scissors as a weapon to slow Moonface down. As she tries to get away, the flashbacks become more frequent, as she remembers the way her husband treated her and the things her forced her to do, causing her to try like hell to get away alive. After awhile Moonface realizes that Ellen is setting up traps and is intrigued by her. After her realizes what she's doing, he decides not to kill her, but he decides to take her to his basement and keep her.
She wakes up and his handcuffed to a pole in his basement. Thats where she meets the creepy old guy named Buddy (played by Angus Scrimm). While talking to the creepy old guy(I like candy, do you have candy??) Ellen learns that Moonface removes the eyes of all of his victims, but is told that she's lucky because Moonface hadn't done that to her. Just then, Moonface comes into the basement and puts a woman on the table and begins to take out her eyes with a machine and then ties her to a cross and takes her upstairs. Ellen freaks out and tries to think of away to escape when Buddy (I like songs! Do you want to sing a song??) hints that a way out might be over her shoulder, referring to the nail file stuck in her shoulder from a trap that hit her.
She picks the lock of the handcuffs but the creepy old guy gets out of his wheelchair and starts screaming that Ellen is loose, and Moonface comes down the steps. She knocks out moonface and creepy old guy but Moonface gets up and tries to choke her but she stabs him with her nail file. He runs after her and she stabs him in the chest with his knife and kicks him out the window. He's hanging out the window and is dangling over a waterfall when the curtain he's hanging onto rips and he falls into the water. She gets out of the house and walks back to her and opens the trunk of her car, where her dead husband is laying (Crazy bitch!). She starts having flashbacks of the night she told him she was leaving him. He started hitting her and threw her into the wall and then raped her.
When he was done raping her she took the belt that he tied her hands together with and wrapped it around her wrists and strangled him with it. She snaps back to reality and drags her husbands lifeless body back to Moonfaces house and places him on the table and proceeds to use the machine to take out his eyes. Before leaving the house she shoots Buddy in the head and then takes the body of Bruce and puts it with the rest of the bodies in the yard and then drives away.
WOW right??? When I watched this I definitley did not expect that ending! It was pretty good for only being an hour long. The acting was good and Moonface was uber creepy! There was an ok amount of blood and no nudity, but this movie definitley didn't need that to be good. The plot was also good too. Overall I'd give this a 3.5 out of 5. I was impressed with it for sure. Don't forget to read Zombie Zanes articles and you know what I'll say next, check back next week, we definitley appreciate you stopping by!