Hello Dead End Horror sheep that stay up all night searching for Sasha Slaughter naked with a glob of lotion in your palm. You bunch of fuckin’ pervs! You oughtta be ashamed of yourselves! But by the way, if you do happen to come across some of those pics, feel free to email me at zombiezane@...Wait, I’m no pervert! Well...kinda I am. But that’s beside the point. Let’s get into today’s post, yes?
I don’t have any nude Sasha Slaughter pics, but I do have some nudity to share with you. Wanna see? Here ya go! It’s me, Zombie Zane in the buff! I’m fuckin’ hot ain’t I?
Ok, on to the movie. Now this movie I wanna tell you about has plenty of nakedness in it. It also has a shitload of gore too. So what’s not to like? Nudity + Puking up Blood = “The Slaughtered Vomit Dolls!” Have you heard of this fuckin’ thing? No? Well, I guess you better kick on back and let me tell ya a little about it.
“Slaughtered Vomit Dolls,” is a shock/horror movie directed by Lucifer Valentine. (Yeah, right. Not the dude’s real name.) But whatever. Anyway, this shock/horror film is one of three in Valentines gore-fest series. I have no clue what the other two titles are, but I’m sure if you do some digging you’ll find them.
So this film runs just about 71 minutes, it was released on video in 2006 and it stars a bunch of fuckin’ people I’ve never heard of. Like: Allen Nasty, Miss Pussy Pants, Pig Lizzy and...fuck this! These names are too stupid to even type. Obviously these guys are just too school for cool. They should've spent more time making this film and less time coming up with cool names.
Wanna know the plot? Well, that makes two of us. I’m not sure what this movie is really about. It has a ton of gore, a lot of puking, some stupid fucking satanic music, and a ton of nudity. What I was able to get from the film breaks down like this: Basically it’s about a 19 year old bulimic stripper that decides to become a whore. And well, that’s about all that I got from this film. Needless to say, this was one big pile of fuck!
Now lookit, I dig gore and nudity and shit like that just as much as the next guy. But this, this was just too retarded for me. Like I know the director was all about trying to shock, which he failed at by the way. “I Spit on Your Grave” was ten times more shocking than this fuck pile.
Like I said, it did have plenty of gore and plenty of boobs, but all I can give this film is a 1 out of 5. No amount of tits and gore could’ve helped this movie. But like if you’re not used to seeing shocking horror, than by all means, go give it a look. I mean it might like shock you. As for me, I’ve seen a ton of horror and it takes a shitload to shock your old buddy, Zombie Zane.
On that note, that’s all I got for you today. Be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff as well. I think she’s doing something with raw meat so grab some meat and go pay the busty (but not naked) Sasha Slaughter a visit. Until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out. Peace peace and naked puking grease!
I don’t have any nude Sasha Slaughter pics, but I do have some nudity to share with you. Wanna see? Here ya go! It’s me, Zombie Zane in the buff! I’m fuckin’ hot ain’t I?
Ok, on to the movie. Now this movie I wanna tell you about has plenty of nakedness in it. It also has a shitload of gore too. So what’s not to like? Nudity + Puking up Blood = “The Slaughtered Vomit Dolls!” Have you heard of this fuckin’ thing? No? Well, I guess you better kick on back and let me tell ya a little about it.
“Slaughtered Vomit Dolls,” is a shock/horror movie directed by Lucifer Valentine. (Yeah, right. Not the dude’s real name.) But whatever. Anyway, this shock/horror film is one of three in Valentines gore-fest series. I have no clue what the other two titles are, but I’m sure if you do some digging you’ll find them.
So this film runs just about 71 minutes, it was released on video in 2006 and it stars a bunch of fuckin’ people I’ve never heard of. Like: Allen Nasty, Miss Pussy Pants, Pig Lizzy and...fuck this! These names are too stupid to even type. Obviously these guys are just too school for cool. They should've spent more time making this film and less time coming up with cool names.
Wanna know the plot? Well, that makes two of us. I’m not sure what this movie is really about. It has a ton of gore, a lot of puking, some stupid fucking satanic music, and a ton of nudity. What I was able to get from the film breaks down like this: Basically it’s about a 19 year old bulimic stripper that decides to become a whore. And well, that’s about all that I got from this film. Needless to say, this was one big pile of fuck!
Now lookit, I dig gore and nudity and shit like that just as much as the next guy. But this, this was just too retarded for me. Like I know the director was all about trying to shock, which he failed at by the way. “I Spit on Your Grave” was ten times more shocking than this fuck pile.
Like I said, it did have plenty of gore and plenty of boobs, but all I can give this film is a 1 out of 5. No amount of tits and gore could’ve helped this movie. But like if you’re not used to seeing shocking horror, than by all means, go give it a look. I mean it might like shock you. As for me, I’ve seen a ton of horror and it takes a shitload to shock your old buddy, Zombie Zane.
On that note, that’s all I got for you today. Be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff as well. I think she’s doing something with raw meat so grab some meat and go pay the busty (but not naked) Sasha Slaughter a visit. Until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out. Peace peace and naked puking grease!
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Zombie Zane |
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