Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Heya-heya-heya!! Zombie Zane her once again from the Seven-Six-One-Oh-Seven. I know this week we're doing demon possession shit, but I wanted to throw this lil nugget out at ya. This really has nothing to do with possession but I'm sure you'll find it amusing. I've complied a list of some of my favorite quotes from some of my favorite horror films. Pretty neat, huh? I thought so too.
"The blood of these whore’s is killing me." said by: Dracula in the film 'Blood for Dracula' (1974)

"I've harmed nobody, just robbed a few graves." said by: Baron Frankenstein in the film, 'The Curse of Frankenstein' (1957)

"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant fuckin' Mark Twain shit. Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone." said by: Otis B Driftwood in the film, 'The Devils Rejects' (2005)

"We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound fine?" said by: Mirror Ash in the film, 'Evil Dead 2' (1987)

"What an excellent day for an exorcism." C'mon, do I really gotta tell you that one???

"We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" said by: Peter Venkman in the film, 'Ghostbusters' (1984)

"We like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit." said by: Baby Firefly in the film, 'House of 1000 Corpses' (2003)

"Holy shit! It's the attack of Eddie Munster!" said by: Alan Frog in the film, 'The Lost Boys' (1987)

"They're coming to get you, Barbara." again, ya'll oughtta know this one...if not, look it up. And don't tell me you had to.

"1-2, Freddy's coming for you. 3-4 better lock your door. 5-6 grab your crucifix. 7-8 better stay up late. 9-10 never sleep again." This is another one I don't have to tell ya. And if you don't know this one, get off of here, c'mon.

"They're heeeeeere." Another quote that falls into the you oughtta know category.

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!" said by: Stu in the film, 'Scream' (1996)

"Just look at the face: it's vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who's lost a bet." said by: Diane in the film, "Shaun of the Dead (2004)

"Wendy? Darling? Light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in. Gonna bash 'em right the fuck in! said by: Jack Torrance in the film, 'The Shining (1980)
Well, there you have it. A few of my favorite horror movie quotes. I mean I could go on and on, but due to time restraints and other factors, I'm gonna have to stop here. Plus typing all the quote marks is starting to make my fingers tired. So until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out. 

AM I EVIL? YES I FUCKIN' AM! by Zombie Zane

Zombie Zane here once again live and direct from the mutha-fuckin Seven-Six-One-Oh-Seven. Hope all is well in your corner(s) of the world. So this week Sasha and I are talking possession. I love a good possession don't you? Nothing like taking a crucifix and pounding it up my ass. I've been possessed many times over and can't wait until the next time!! I remember this one when...Sorry. I'm getting off point. Anyway, since this week's topic is possession, I figured I would watch and review one of my all time favorite demon movies. Ever seen the movie, "THE EVIL DEAD?" If not, you're a tool and should crawl back under the rock you've been living under. Was that rude? I'm sorry. Well, kinda...So without further ado, let me tell you my take on the film 'THE EVIL DEAD."

'The Evil Dead' is a 1981 American horror film written and directed by Sam Raimi, starring Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, and Betsy Baker. This film was extremely controversial for its graphic violence, terror and gore, and was turned down by almost all U.S. film distributors. A European company finally bought it and it was released in theaters in October of 1981. Despite getting some mixed reviews at the time, this film now has a dedicated cult following. It has also spawned two sequels, 'The Evil Dead 2,' and 'Army of Darkness.' Which, p.s. are both great fuckin' films.

The film was re-submitted for a rating in '94, and the MPAA stuck the NC-17 rating on it. Why? I'm not sure. Elite Entertainment released the film on DVD in '99 and retained the NC-17 rating. Anchor Bay has since acquired the DVD rights to the film and now it's released as an unrated film. Anywho, that was interesting wasn't it. Let's get to the plot.

The film is a story about five Michigan college students vacationing in a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods. Their vacation goes from fun to out right horrible when they stumble upon an old audio tape that when played releases evil spirits. And that's when the shit hits the fan. Ash(Campbell) is forced to battle his friends when they become possessed by the evil spirits. And the only way to kill them is by...are you ready for this? BODY DISMEMBERMENT!! Yes, the plot is simple, the acting is a tad goofy and the film is a bit dated, but all in all, this is still a great mother-humpin' film. In fact, this is one of my favorite horror films of all time and I highly suggest giving it a watch.

Now it's time for the scores:

BODY COUNT: 4 (a low number, but don't worry, this is quality rather than quantity)

NUDITY NUMBER: 1(just a brief boob shot)

SEVERINGS: ( A ton! Not sure on the actual number, but you won't be disappointed.)

SEX SCENES: 0 (No sex, no problem. Still a great film)

OTHER COOL SHIT: creepy mist, scary noises in the woods, a girl getting attacked by roots(she even gets a root right up her box! OUCH!!) demonic possessions, a ton of spewing body fluid, much blood, body dismemberments, and lots and lots of violence!

GORE SCORE- 4 (Solid 4 out of 5. This baby is full of gore and all that good stuuf)

MY SCORE - 4.5 (4.5 out of 5) Near perfect!

Ok, there it is. That's all there is and there aint no more. Be sure and check out Sasha's book review for 'THE EXORCIST.' SO until next time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out.

Possessed by Sasha Slaughter


You bless me with your prayers,
you don't know or understand yet,
the powers that I posses.
Try and cast me into hell,
go ahead and try your best.
It is here within this shell,
that I thrive the best,
the power of Christ compels me,
ineed I've caused this mess.
Throw your blessed water on me,
try and set the captive free,
demand that I leave this child,
I challenge you to try and banish me.
I am the creator of evil,
I am the father of sin,
look into my eyes,
see the insanity within.


Heya Dead End Horror sheep that stay awake all day looking out the window at your naked neighbors that are making cinder block yard art. What's good? Anyway, for today I'm gonna be hauling out one of our older posts. This was like one of our first ever, Before we knew exactly what the hell we were doing. but don't be pissed. it's good. The busty Sasha Slaughter wrote this one. Obviously it's me, Zombie Zane typing this part, but the rest that follows is all Sasha. 

So, how about we cut the foreplay and get to today's post. This is Sasha's take on the book, "The Exorcist." I'm sure you will find this most amusing and insightful. So without further ado, here it is. 
Ok, so this week on Dead End, it's all about possession obsession. And I'm going to be giving a summary of The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, which was recommended to me by my partner Zombie Zane. It was written in 1971 and takes place in Washington. It's about an eleven year old girl who is seemingly possessed by a demon.

Chris Macneil and her eleven year old daughter Regan live in a rental house on Prospect street. Chris starts to hear rapping sounds, which seemed to be coming from her daughters room. She dismisses it quickly, thinking it was rats. She would soon find out that it was much more than rodents that were invading her home, and also her daughter. 
Chris starts to notice small, subtle changes in Regan, and her home. The rapping’s coming from Regan’s bedroom, her daughters bedroom furniture moved out of place, which she decides was done by her housekeeper Willie She notices in Regan’s playroom a Ouija board, and when asked about it Regan admits to using it and speaking to a ''Captain Howdy." And then one night Regan tells her mother that she can't sleep because her bed is shaking. And things start to get progressively worse from there.

Regan’s behavior starts to change. She throws tantrums, wont eat or sleep, and she’s very hyper and constantly moving. So Chris calls her doctor in LA for a list of psychiatrist for Regan. They run many tests including blood tests, and EEG, X rays and several different prescription drugs that have little or not effect on Regan’s behavior. She is seen by several different doctors and was diagnosed with several different disorders from epilepsy to split personality disorder. 
Things start to get worse as Chris calls Dr. Klein and tells him to come over quickly. When he arrives Regan is in her bed screaming hysterically as she is twisting and her contorting her body. Dr. Klein and the neurologist then decide to do a spinal tap to see if they missed anything on the EEG that was done. The tests come back normal and Chris is back at square one.

The person that Regan claims is inside of her, begins to show itself.. When asked it's name, it refers to itself as Nowonmai. Soon after that, Regan is restrained to her bed for fear of her hurting others. As time goes on, the thing inside of Regan becomes increasingly violent as it takes over Regan’s body. 

I'm not going to give away any of the good stuff, like the part where Regan takes her moms head and pushes it into her...ahhh got ya! But I will say that I was honestly grossed out at some of the things that the demon makes her do. Anyway, back to it. 
Chris was then referred to Father Damien Karras, who also happens to be a psychiatrist, and asks him how she could have an exorcism done on her daughter. Father Karras is very reluctant in the beginning, insisting that it’s a mental disorder from which Regan is suffering, until he witnesses firsthand the horrible things that are happening to Regan.

Father Karras studies multiple books and articles, comparing Regan’s symptoms with other disorders, trying to see if there is a connection, and he finds nothing. He is finally convinced that Regan is possessed and goes to the president of Georgetown University and asks for permission to seek an exorcism and it was granted. 

Father Karras is set to assist with the exorcism, but the Exorcist is Father Lankester Merrin, as he has more experience performing exorcisms. Father Merrin arrives to perform the exorcism, along with the help of Father Karras. It's a grueling and trying process with a lot of twists and unexpected turns. But the end is a good one.

I'm not going to give away any of the details of the exorcism, because it's definitely something that you should read on your own. And if it's something you've already read, don't be shy, send us a comment and tell us your opinion. And also be sure to check out Zombie Zane’s articles for this weeks Possession Obsession. Check back next time for new shiz...stay tuned!     

Well, there ya have it. Pretty good, yes? I, too, liked this book as well.  I read it long after I saw the movie though. But it was awesome nonetheless. Okay, be sure and check back tomorrow, I’ll have some new shit for ya.

So until then, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out. Peace peace and green pea soup grease!