Monday, October 17, 2011


Hello Dead End Horror people that cause more drama and chaos by eating all the KFC and Burger King. Have you showered yet you funk-nasty piece of fuck? I doubt it. In any case, what’s good horror fans?
It’s been a busy as fuck weekend here at DEH. I’ve had a mini-Zombie Zane running amok for the last three days. He’s quite the handful. All he wants to do is knock over tombstones and eat. But then again, he is a mini zombie.

And my New York Football Giants pulled of a nice win against the Buffalo Bills! Plus the shit poke Cowgirls lost...again! Great football day for Zombie Zane! Before I start going on a football rant, I better stick to the topic at hand like what we have coming up for yous this week at DEH.
This week we’re gonna be doing a couple different things. Some of it will be Halloween themed shit, some of it will be some movie reviews, and some of it will be...I don’t know, maybe some more Halloween party songs and drink recipes. I do know that Sasha Slaughter is gonna be talking about ‘The Walking Dead’ so if you’re into that you’ll wanna be sure and check back throughout the week to see what she’s got to say about it. Hope everyone remembered to set the DVR last night. I did but I haven’t seen it yet.
What else was I gonna say? Fuck me, my memory is awful today! Well, whatever, probably wasn’t that important anyway.  Maybe it had to do with the series ‘American Horror Story.’ Which by the way is fuckin’ sox rockin! I’m all about it! It’s a must DVR in the Zombie Zane household.  Hope you Dead End Horror sheep are DVR-ing it too. If you ain’t, then you suck. Just kidding.

Well, I guess that’s all I got for ya. Sorry this post was a little vague, but due to lack of sleep and coffee, what can you do? The important thing is, that I got something out to you guys. I hope you have low standards like I do and are rarely disappointed.
So until next time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out! Peace peace and hair plastered to your fuckin’ forehead grease!

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