Friday, October 14, 2011


Hello Dead End Horror freaks that like to fight with plastic swords and yell out daily affirmations. What’s poppin’ slimes? So we’ve really had a Halloween full week here at DEH and the fun continues today. Sasha Slaughter in all her bustiness and her horror know-how decided to list her top 5 ‘Must See’ Halloween horror movies.

Fucking brilliant! And I got to thinkin...I want in on this too. So, in lieu of Sasha’s awesome idea, I thought for today’s post I’d list my ‘Must See’ Halloween horror films as well. So how about we skip the foreplay and get to the goodness.


5.  The Exorcist...Like for real. I dig the shit out of this film! I saw it when I was about 10 or so and it scared the shit out of me then, and it scares the shit out of me now. Fuck demons, Jack. Ya can’t fight ‘em so they are totally scary!
4.  Fright Night...Not the shitty-ass fuckin’ remake. I’m talking the 1985 real deal. My favorite quote of the film is as follows...’MMMM,- MMMMMM! HIS DINNER IS IN THE OVEN!’Fuckin classic line, y’all.
3.  Sliver Bullet...I remember watching this movie with a good friend of mine while we stayed up all night before Halloween carving our pumpkins. We had bought one of those pumpkin carving kits and a couple cases of beer and we had a blast. I watch this movie every year. Ahhh, memories.
2.  Trick or Treat...In my opinion, this movie has one of the best werewolf transformations in it of all time. Plus it has Anna Paquin in it. I’ve only been watching this one for a couple of years, but it still makes the cut.

1.  The Halloween Dynasty...Look, I know. Halloween is like overplayed on TV all the time. But I happen to own like every Halloween movie. So, what I like to do is order some pizza, grab some beer, and some kick ass snacks and have myself a little Halloween movie marathon. I do it every year. I love wathcing the movies in order. Even the 3rd one. (Season of the Witch) It’s a Zombie Zane traditon!
Well, there ya go. There’s my list of the ‘Must See’ Halloween movies. Hope you enjoyed. If you didn’t...I’ll try and do better the next time. Before I bounce outta here, be sure and set your DVR’s for the ‘Walking Dead.’ It kicks off this Sunday so don’t forget.

Until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out. Peace peace and buttery popcorn grease! C-ya on the flip side bitches.

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