Friday, October 7, 2011


 Heya Dead End Horror sheep that eat salsa and are hand to hand fighter Roman soldier wannabe's. What's good? Anyway, this post is a bit late. I was gonna post this last night, but I had to sit up and watch my Yankees. Unfortunately for me, the season ended last night. It was a total heartbreaking loss. I'm not on suicide watch anymore, so I figured I'd post a little something. 

So what I'm gonna do today is, post this piece of flash fiction I wrote a month or so back. I know it's not really Halloween oriented, but what the fuck. Like I said, I didn't get around to anything new last night due to the game. But in any case, here's my flash fiction story. Enjoy!
It starts with a tiny little urge.  The urge grows into a small tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach.  That tingling sensation then grows into something larger, something you can’t control.  I feel as if I am having tiny little heart attacks.  My breathing speeds up and everything around me seems to dissolve into a paroxysm of nothingness. Then there’s this...this build up.  It starts small but grows and grows with each passing second.  And just when I think I can’t take anymore, there’s this  release...this bliss. And when it’s over, I want more.

I have to wait.  I have to wait until the night.  She only comes to me during the  night.  She always comes to me at my upstairs bathroom window.  She never enters without asking my permission first As soon as she enters,  I hear this singing, this sweet angelic singing.  It’s almost too much for me  to take in all at once.

After tonight, I’ll be with her forever.  I know what she is and I don’t care.  I know that my soul is going to be damned and that I’ll never enter the pearly gates. Big deal. I’m going to be with her.  It’s all about being with her. I don’t care about my job, I don’t care about the wife and the two kids, I don’t care about the mortgage, I don’t care about anything.  Not anymore.

She’s going to sink her fangs deep into my neck, I’m going to be sick for a little while, but after...after, I’ll be with her.  Be with her forever.  We’ll be together and that’s all that matters.  Before you judge me, think of this...What would you do for a lifetime and more of complete and utter bliss?  What price would you pay? Would you trade your soul too?
Not bad, huh? By the way, flash fiction shit is some of the hardest writing I ever had to do. So don't expect much more of that. Well, I guess that's all the news that's fit to print. Be sure and see what Sasha has cooking as well. She's always ready for some extra dinner guests. Until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out! Peace peace and pumpkin grease!

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