Hey hey hey!! What is going on you horror loving creepers?? Sasha Slaughter here with you for the final day of random stuff week. It's over already!!! Boo!!! But never fear, it'll be back again soon, I'm almost sure of it. So today I'll be reviewing a movie called Wicked Little Things. It was suggested to me by Zane, so it better be good!!! =).
Wicked Little Things was directed by J.S. Cardone (Who directed Prom Night, The Covenant, The Forsaken and many others). It was written by Boaz Davidson (Story) and Ben Nedivi (Screenplay). And here's a little fun fact, Tobe Hooper was originally chosen to direct Wicked Little Things, but he dropped out to direct Mortuary. Also, Cardone renamed the film to Wicked Little Things as it was originally titled Zombies. The movie is set in Pennsylvania (Hey, I know that place!) but was actually filmed in the mountains of Bulgaria. And one last tidbit of info for you, this film debuted as one of eight films that make up the horror movie festival 8 Films to Die for. So let's get on with the review huh??
In 1913 in Carlton, Pennsylvania the cruel owner of Carlton mine exploited poor young children and made them explore the mines. After an explosion in the mine, a group of children were buried alive. 90 years later in the present day Karen Tunny has decided to move her and her two daughters, Sarah and Emma, into her husbands old house that she inherited when he died recently. The house she inherits is located close to the abandoned Carlton Mine.
They get to the house and find what appears to be blood smeared on their front door. That night while in bed, Karen has a strange dream about a child from the mine that comes into the room and stabs her. Later the next day, Karen asks Sarah to get a few things in town. She meets a few kids her age and when she tells them where she lives, Shawn replies "Up where the fucking zombies are?".
Shortly after, Sarah leaves to get groceries and her little sister disappears into the woods. Karen is in the basement with the plumber when she hears noises and goes upstairs to find Emma missing. Karen searches the woods and eventually finds Emma standing in front of the abandoned Carlton Mine. Karen makes her promise to never go there again and when they try to find their way home, they get lost.
They find a house in the woods and go inside. Mr. Hanks appears a few moments later and tells them that they shouldn't be outside at night and tells Emma not to go near the mines anymore. He tells them the way to get home and tells her not thanks necessary for the blood on her door. She begins to tell him not to do it anymore but he tells them that they need to get home right away and to come back in the day time and they'll talk.
Later that night when Emma is in bed and Sarah is out with her friends, Karen goes into the basement to read the articles she found about the Carlton Mine explosion. Outside she can hear voices and whispering. The children that were killed in the mine explosion are outside of her house but when they smell the blood on the door they turn around and leave. Karen goes upstairs but doesn't see anything except her front door hanging open. That night Mr. Hanks is at the old Carlton mansion with a pig that he sacrifices for the cannibalistic children so they leave him alone.
When Sarah arrives home her mother shows her old family albums and pictures of her father and his family. She tells Sarah that she had no idea he had family in Pennsylvania because when she tried to talk about he would change the subject. She says it's as if he kept the family a secret. The next day while looking for a plumber Karen runs into William Carlton at the store. The owner of the store tells her that he's there to survey the land because he wants to tear down the Carlton mansion and built a ski resort.
The zombie-like children continue to kill and the community dismisses it as simple disappearances. Although it is hinted that most of the community is well aware of the presence of the "children". Karen sees Emma standing at the edge of the woods when she hears voices. She goes into the woods to investigate and sees cars at the old Carlton mansion. She goes inside looking for William Carlton. He finds her in one of the rooms and tells her to get off of his property. She informs that she lives just down the road and he asks if she is the Tunny widow.
She says yes and tells her that she has 2 weeks to vacate the land because he owns it. She says she has a deed and he tells her that it's a miners deed and it doesn't mean anything. Karen goes to talk to Mr. Hanks and he confirms that Carlton owns all of the land. He tells her the only way for her to own the house is if Carlton dies, and then the miners deed kicks in. Later that night while Sarah is with her friends Karen discovers a photo album with pictures of the children that were killed in the mine explosion. She recognizes two of the children named Ryan and Mary Tunny and realizes that they are related to her late husband.
While Sarah and her friends are parked on a road drinking and talking, the zombie children find their car. At first the car is rocked back and forth. Shawn gets out to see what is happening when he's dragged away from the car. Tim gets in the drivers seat and tries to leave, but the car gets stuck in the mud. He gets out and tries to push it when some of the zombie children attack and kill him.
They break the car windows and take Sarah's friend Lisa and they try to take Sarah. She gets the car unstuck and drives back her house. She tells her mom that the children are real and that they killed her friends. They both realize that Emma is missing and Karen says that she is probably at the mine again. They go looking for her in the mine but can't find her. As they come out of the mine, they are surrounded by children.
Karen tells Sarah to run and they take off into the woods. They run onto the road and find a car and get in. When they get into the car they realize it's William Carlton. She tells them to drive or the children will kill them. Just as she says this the tires are flattened before they can pull away. Karen and Sarah get out and run to Mr. Hanks house.
Carlton arrives at Mr. Hanks shortly after Karen and Sarah and they let him in. The children start trying to break into the house. Hanks and Carlton try shooting the children and find that it's ineffective. Hanks, Sarah, and Karen get in a truck and try to escape, but when it won't start they run into the barn. They go in the barn to find that Carlton is in there also hiding from the children.
Hank suddenly realizes he and Emma are direct blood relatives, and it turns out that Mary has an older brother who was also a Tunny, and Karen is in some way protected by Emma's relationship with Mary. Just as the children break into the barn he tells them not to move because he doesn't know what they'll do. It's then that he realizes that it's Carlton they are after because they are looking for revenge because his family caused the mining accident that killed them. The children find Carlton in the barn and kill him. Karen hears Emma calling for her outside and she goes to her. Emma tells her that the children won't hurt anyone anymore and then.......
And then???? Well if you want to know maybe you should hop on over to Netflix and watch Wicked Little Things. Ya know, I kind of liked this movie. And the only reason I liked it is because of those creepy little black eyed, blood smeared, cannibalistic zombie children. RAWR!! Ya'll know I love me some zombies!!
I mean granted it does have a good bit of the usual cliches that a lot of horror movies have (Cell phones don't work, fumbling/dropping the keys, tripping and falling while running and proceeding to say you can't run anymore, dying flashlight, youngest kid befriends ghost and everyone chalks it up to an imaginary friend). It's got the whole shebang of typical things that happen in horror films. But it's all gravy baby!! That doesn't mean that it's not good! The acting was great, there was a good bit of blood thanks to the zombie children for eating a poor innocent piggy and chomping on a few peoples insides.
Overall I'd give Wicked Little Things a 3 out of 5. Yeah, you've seen movies like this before yadda yadda, but they're still good. The plot was great and the zombie children were hella creepy! I mean their black eyes and how they gnawed on peoples insides, they were mean little kiddies! What I didn't like was the a lot of the movie was dark. Yeah, I guess some of it was for effect but yeesh, lighten up! =) Now you know my thoughts about that, now you can go check out Zombie Zane's stuff. He wants you to look at it! And of course, thanks for stopping by and check back next week for new stuff at Dead End Horror.
Wicked Little Things was directed by J.S. Cardone (Who directed Prom Night, The Covenant, The Forsaken and many others). It was written by Boaz Davidson (Story) and Ben Nedivi (Screenplay). And here's a little fun fact, Tobe Hooper was originally chosen to direct Wicked Little Things, but he dropped out to direct Mortuary. Also, Cardone renamed the film to Wicked Little Things as it was originally titled Zombies. The movie is set in Pennsylvania (Hey, I know that place!) but was actually filmed in the mountains of Bulgaria. And one last tidbit of info for you, this film debuted as one of eight films that make up the horror movie festival 8 Films to Die for. So let's get on with the review huh??
In 1913 in Carlton, Pennsylvania the cruel owner of Carlton mine exploited poor young children and made them explore the mines. After an explosion in the mine, a group of children were buried alive. 90 years later in the present day Karen Tunny has decided to move her and her two daughters, Sarah and Emma, into her husbands old house that she inherited when he died recently. The house she inherits is located close to the abandoned Carlton Mine.
They get to the house and find what appears to be blood smeared on their front door. That night while in bed, Karen has a strange dream about a child from the mine that comes into the room and stabs her. Later the next day, Karen asks Sarah to get a few things in town. She meets a few kids her age and when she tells them where she lives, Shawn replies "Up where the fucking zombies are?".
Shortly after, Sarah leaves to get groceries and her little sister disappears into the woods. Karen is in the basement with the plumber when she hears noises and goes upstairs to find Emma missing. Karen searches the woods and eventually finds Emma standing in front of the abandoned Carlton Mine. Karen makes her promise to never go there again and when they try to find their way home, they get lost.
They find a house in the woods and go inside. Mr. Hanks appears a few moments later and tells them that they shouldn't be outside at night and tells Emma not to go near the mines anymore. He tells them the way to get home and tells her not thanks necessary for the blood on her door. She begins to tell him not to do it anymore but he tells them that they need to get home right away and to come back in the day time and they'll talk.
Later that night when Emma is in bed and Sarah is out with her friends, Karen goes into the basement to read the articles she found about the Carlton Mine explosion. Outside she can hear voices and whispering. The children that were killed in the mine explosion are outside of her house but when they smell the blood on the door they turn around and leave. Karen goes upstairs but doesn't see anything except her front door hanging open. That night Mr. Hanks is at the old Carlton mansion with a pig that he sacrifices for the cannibalistic children so they leave him alone.
When Sarah arrives home her mother shows her old family albums and pictures of her father and his family. She tells Sarah that she had no idea he had family in Pennsylvania because when she tried to talk about he would change the subject. She says it's as if he kept the family a secret. The next day while looking for a plumber Karen runs into William Carlton at the store. The owner of the store tells her that he's there to survey the land because he wants to tear down the Carlton mansion and built a ski resort.
The zombie-like children continue to kill and the community dismisses it as simple disappearances. Although it is hinted that most of the community is well aware of the presence of the "children". Karen sees Emma standing at the edge of the woods when she hears voices. She goes into the woods to investigate and sees cars at the old Carlton mansion. She goes inside looking for William Carlton. He finds her in one of the rooms and tells her to get off of his property. She informs that she lives just down the road and he asks if she is the Tunny widow.
She says yes and tells her that she has 2 weeks to vacate the land because he owns it. She says she has a deed and he tells her that it's a miners deed and it doesn't mean anything. Karen goes to talk to Mr. Hanks and he confirms that Carlton owns all of the land. He tells her the only way for her to own the house is if Carlton dies, and then the miners deed kicks in. Later that night while Sarah is with her friends Karen discovers a photo album with pictures of the children that were killed in the mine explosion. She recognizes two of the children named Ryan and Mary Tunny and realizes that they are related to her late husband.
While Sarah and her friends are parked on a road drinking and talking, the zombie children find their car. At first the car is rocked back and forth. Shawn gets out to see what is happening when he's dragged away from the car. Tim gets in the drivers seat and tries to leave, but the car gets stuck in the mud. He gets out and tries to push it when some of the zombie children attack and kill him.
They break the car windows and take Sarah's friend Lisa and they try to take Sarah. She gets the car unstuck and drives back her house. She tells her mom that the children are real and that they killed her friends. They both realize that Emma is missing and Karen says that she is probably at the mine again. They go looking for her in the mine but can't find her. As they come out of the mine, they are surrounded by children.
Karen tells Sarah to run and they take off into the woods. They run onto the road and find a car and get in. When they get into the car they realize it's William Carlton. She tells them to drive or the children will kill them. Just as she says this the tires are flattened before they can pull away. Karen and Sarah get out and run to Mr. Hanks house.
Carlton arrives at Mr. Hanks shortly after Karen and Sarah and they let him in. The children start trying to break into the house. Hanks and Carlton try shooting the children and find that it's ineffective. Hanks, Sarah, and Karen get in a truck and try to escape, but when it won't start they run into the barn. They go in the barn to find that Carlton is in there also hiding from the children.
Hank suddenly realizes he and Emma are direct blood relatives, and it turns out that Mary has an older brother who was also a Tunny, and Karen is in some way protected by Emma's relationship with Mary. Just as the children break into the barn he tells them not to move because he doesn't know what they'll do. It's then that he realizes that it's Carlton they are after because they are looking for revenge because his family caused the mining accident that killed them. The children find Carlton in the barn and kill him. Karen hears Emma calling for her outside and she goes to her. Emma tells her that the children won't hurt anyone anymore and then.......
And then???? Well if you want to know maybe you should hop on over to Netflix and watch Wicked Little Things. Ya know, I kind of liked this movie. And the only reason I liked it is because of those creepy little black eyed, blood smeared, cannibalistic zombie children. RAWR!! Ya'll know I love me some zombies!!
I mean granted it does have a good bit of the usual cliches that a lot of horror movies have (Cell phones don't work, fumbling/dropping the keys, tripping and falling while running and proceeding to say you can't run anymore, dying flashlight, youngest kid befriends ghost and everyone chalks it up to an imaginary friend). It's got the whole shebang of typical things that happen in horror films. But it's all gravy baby!! That doesn't mean that it's not good! The acting was great, there was a good bit of blood thanks to the zombie children for eating a poor innocent piggy and chomping on a few peoples insides.
Overall I'd give Wicked Little Things a 3 out of 5. Yeah, you've seen movies like this before yadda yadda, but they're still good. The plot was great and the zombie children were hella creepy! I mean their black eyes and how they gnawed on peoples insides, they were mean little kiddies! What I didn't like was the a lot of the movie was dark. Yeah, I guess some of it was for effect but yeesh, lighten up! =) Now you know my thoughts about that, now you can go check out Zombie Zane's stuff. He wants you to look at it! And of course, thanks for stopping by and check back next week for new stuff at Dead End Horror.
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Sasha 'Deadgirl' Slaughter |
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