Friday, July 15, 2011


WHOA DADDY!! Zombie Zane here live and direct from the pit of hell otherwise known as the seven six one oh seven. Another day of record breaking heat. SUCK IT! In any case, we’re gonna close out the week here at DEAD END HORROR with another movie review. As you may or may not know, this week Sasha and I’ve been talking Bela Lugosi. So I figured I’d end the week with the 1942 horror classic ‘THE CORPSE VANISHES.’ Have you seen it? No? Not to worry, I’ll tell ya all about it. Kick on back for a sec, grab a cold beverage and allow me to educate.

As I said, "THE CORPSE VANISHES" is a 1942 American horror/whodunit type of deal. It stars the ever so eerie Mr. Bela Lugosi, Elizabeth Russell, and Luana Walters. It was directed by Wallace Fox and became available in 2009 on DVD. Now that you got the particulars, let’s get to the plot, yes?
Basically the movie breaks down as follows: Bela Lugosi plays a horticulturalist by the name of Dr. Lorenz. Now the good doctor’s wife is aging and needs fluids taken from young virgins (no, not those fluids! Get you mind out of the gutter!) To retain her eternal youth and beauty. Dr. Lorenz finds these poor unsuspecting virgins and drugs them, kidnaps them, and takes them back to the mansion so he can extract what he needs for his wife. And there ya go. Not much to it. I mean after all this is only about 64mins so what really can happen in that small amount of time?

But here is a little nugget of knowledge that I found pretty fuckin cool. This movie is loosely based on the true story of Elizabeth Bathory, a sixteenth century Hungarian countess and serial killer who was said to preserve her beauty by bathing in the blood of young virginal women. Neato mosquito! Not only did you get a movie review, but a lil bit of history to boot. I rule!

Ok, again with these older movies I don’t really have any stats for you. No gore, no bush-boobs or butt, no severings, but again, consider the time this movie came out. But I can give you my score...I give this classic horror film a 3 out of 5. It wasn’t that bad contrary to what Mystery Science Theater 3000 said.

Well that’s all I got for now. Not a bad way to close out the week. Oh, and be sure to peep out Sasha’s stuff as well. She’s back to doing her reviews on Masters of Horror. I think this week she’s talking about Jenifer. MOH doesn’t have shit to do with old school classic horror, but who cares. It’s our blog and our rules. SUCK IT. (Again, I can’t quit saying that. It’s funny.) So next week we’re gonna be continuing on with our old school theme, not sure what yet but you can bet yo ass it’ll be good. I mean we do rock after all. So until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out.

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