Thursday, July 21, 2011


Alright alright!! Sasha Slaughter here for the third and final time this week to bring you another dose of old school horror. Today I'll be giving you a little review of the movie Creature of the Black Lagoon. So how about you sit on down enjoy my take on Creature of the Black Lagoon.

Creature of the Black Lagoon came in out in 1954 and was directed by Jack Arnold. Dr. Carl Maia is in the Amazon when he discovers the fossil of a hand in lime stone. He goes to a science institute to have the hand looked at and tries to determine what it came from. A group of scientists at the institute agree to go on an expedition with Dr. Maia to search for more fossils. Upon returning to his camp, Dr. Maia discovers that two of his men were attacked and killed. Soon after the scientists begin digging up the lime stone to retrieve fossils, only they dig for eight days and find nothing. One of the scientists suggests that maybe part of the lime stone had been in the water and thinks maybe they should search underwater for fossils. They all agree and take a boat to what the boat captain calls the Black Lagoon.

They dive in the lagoon to search for rocks to test when a creature appears and watches them. They come back from the dive to test the rocks while Kay, one of the scientists, goes for a swim in the lagoon. As shes swimming, the creature is fascinated by her and follows her and tries to grab her feet, she feels something and moves and the creatrure swims away. She swims back to the boat and after she gets on, something gets caught in the net but it tears through the net to escape. Some of the scientists go back into the water to try and find what got caught in the net. They see the creatrure and swim after it but it hides and when they turn around it swims the other way. Finally they catch up with it and shoot it with a harpoon. The creature swims away out of sight and men go back onto the boat.

The scientists are studying pictures they took underwater when they hear screaming and discover that the creature came aboard and took one of the crew memebers and went back into the water. Lucas, the captain of the boat, gives them a drug made from root to put in the water to try and paralyze the creature so they can capture it. At first it doesn't work so they decide to make the drug so it can sink and reach where the creature may be. Shortly after the creature attempts to climb onto the boat but is scared away by a lantern. Two of the scientists, Mark and David, go looking for the creature and find it's footprints on the beach. The creature walks up behind Kay and grabs her but collapses onto the ground because of the drug.

They take the creature back to the boat and put it underwater and secure it so it can't go anywhere. Most of the scientists go to run test on various things and that leaves Kay and Dr. Thompson to make sure the creature doesn't escape. Dr. Thompson and Kay are talking when they hear a loud noise and realize the creature escaped. It injures Dr. Thompson in an attempt to take Kay, but she throws a lantern at it and it dives into the water. Mark decides that they've had enough and says that it's time for them to leave. They almost reach the end of the lagoon but soon discover that there are tree branches blocking their way out. They realize that the creature put them there and is trying to stop them from leaving. After a few failed attempts to move the branches, David dives into the water to attach the cables to the branches so they can be moved.

While David is attaching cables Mark sees the creature and shoots it with the harpoon gun. The creature removes the harpoon and comes after David, ripping off his oxygen hose. The creature leaves and Mark takes David's lifeless body out of the water. They decide to drug the creature one more time to keep it away long enough so they can remove the branches. Mark drugs the creature and attaches the cables but he comes aboard to find the creature with Kay in his arms and it dives into the water. It takes her into a cavern and...

Well hey, if you really wanna know what happened I highly reccomend you watch it and see. This film really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I really am a newbie to this kind of old school horror (Zane is schooling me...hardcore.) But I actually really liked the movie. Some of the dialogue was over the top (In a good way). The acting was good and I especially liked the underwater scenes, they were really cool. I think overall I'd give this a 3 out 5...I know right!! It kept me interested and waiting to see what would happen next. The creature was a little on the cheesy side, but it kind of had a little creep factor to it too. Obviously there was no butt or blood or anything, but I don't really think this movie needed it. Although, I do have to say that the men of the movie were really bad at fighting off the monster. All it had to do was put it's hands on them and they died..Ehh!! It truly is a cult classic though. And heres a little side note, Creature of the Black Lagoon will be remade in 2013!! What???

But there you have it, my take on The Creature of the Black Lagoon. Don't forget to check out Zombie Zanes stuff, as always, you'll be glad you did. And of course, check back next week for more stuff here at Dead End Horror. Toodles!!


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