Thursday, July 21, 2011


...ALL THE RIGHT FRIENDS IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES...Oh, I’m sorry. Just rockin out to some OneRepublic. Don’t hate. You know you rock to it too. Now if I open with some show tunes or some Celine Dion, then you can hate. Hell, I would totally deserve some shit for that. But in any case, It’s your pal Zombie Zane once again spinning it live and fuckin’ direct from the seven six one oh seven. What’s poppin’ slimes? Well, this is gonna be the final post for the week so kick on back and chill out with me for a few. Got anything better to do? Not anymore ya don’t. Ain’t that right kid sister.

So to cap off the week I decided to watch one more old school monster movie. I mean that is what this week’s about. In case you’re late to the party, Sasha and I have dedicated the month of July to old school horror. Why? Because we can. And old school horror movies are cool. What’s better than chilling late night with a few beers, some bad-ass junk food and an old B&W horror movie on the TV. Well...maybe fuckin’ is better, but this isn’t a fuck blog. Hell to the naw! It’s a horror blog. So let’s knock off the foreplay and fuck talk and get to today’s movie.

Ever see ‘ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES?’ It totally fucking sucked! Just kidding. But leeches...suck...get it? I hope so. Anyway, this film is one of many monster movies made in the 1950's. This film comes from AIP (American International Pictures) and was released in 1959. It was directed by Bernard L. Kowalski and it runs for just about 62mins. It’s also known by a couple of other names as well: ‘Attack of the Blood Leeches,’ ‘Demons of the Swamp,’ and ‘War of the Giant Leeches.’ Most of these 50's monster movies were actually made in response to cold war fears. (See, I know some shit.) Ya see, in most of these type of films, it’s like radiation, or something that causes whatever animal, or thing to mutate and become larger than normal. Hence, that was the era of the cold war. Fuckin nuclear weapons right?
Now that I gave you some nuggets of knowledge, let’s get to the plot of this thing shall we?

And it goes a little something like this: While fucking about in the swamp, Game Warden Steve Benton and his girlfriend come across a an old dude who is on death’s doorstep. This poor bastard has strange looking wounds and is suffering from major blood loss. Then when more hunters and poachers come up missing, (how do ya come up missing? I mean aren’t ya just missing?) Anyway, when more people are found missing, (again, how can you be found missing? Aren’t you just missing? I mean if you’re found than you’re not missing! What the fuck?) Let me try again...After several more disappearances (There, that was better) The game warden decides to investigate the swamp...Wanna hear the rest? Tough shit. I’m sure you can guess that he finds the giant leeches and tries to kill them while saving the town. Predictable yes. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch it. Let me give you my score and then you can decide for yourself.

I give ‘ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES’ an average 2.5 out of 5. Which really isn’t that bad for one of these kind of movies. Believe me, I’ve seen some real shit piles that come from this same era. Again, it’s just one of those movies that you wanna watch late night with a bag of chips or something. Just a good old fashioned B movie. So look into it.

Well, that’s all I got for this week. Sasha and I will be back next week doin’ it - and doin’ it- and doin’ it well. Not sure how we’ll close out our old school horror month, but we’ll think of something. And be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff. She’s got some good-goods and she wants to share. So until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out!


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