Monday, January 23, 2012


Hello Dead End Horror fans that Tebow in front of the TV while praying that your team makes the winning 31 yard field goal. What’s good?  I don’t know about you, but I am fucking elated! After an up and down season, my New York Football Giants are heading to the motherfucking Super Bowl for a rematch with the shit heal New England Patriots. Fuck Brady and Fuck New England.

Anywho, since this is not a sports blog, I guess I better tell you what’s on tap for the week. Last week Sasha and I did slasher films. SO if you’re new to DEH I suggest you go and familiarize yourself with some of our old shit. If you’re into clit cutting and Willem Dafoe’s cock and balls, then you should be in hog heaven. But for real, we have some cool shit in out archives so don’t be shy, have yourself a look-see. 
So, for this week, I Sasha and I will be talking about horror films from the 1970's. Why? I’m not sure. It just sounded like a cool idea last week when we were thinking of shit to write about. So, seeing how I was busy today and didn’t really have the time to think of anything else, that’s what we’re sticking with.
Don’t be that way. There’s some cool motherfucking shit that came out of the 70's in the way of horror. What movies are we gonna review you ask? Well my little minion, you’re just gonna have to come back daily and see. Shit, if I told you what movies we were gonna talk about and you thought they sucked, why you wouldn’t come and visit us. So no way, Jackson. You’ll have to come back to see.

One more thing, I’m gonna throw in a book review this week as well. It has not a goddamn thang to do with 70's horror but what the what. I can do as I please. Our blog. Our rules. But, no, I’m gonna be reviewing the book, “Offspring” by Jack Ketchum. I think I may have done the movie as well. Can’t remember right off hand. But in any case, I’ll be doing that. 
Well, I guess that’s all the news that I got for now. I’m gonna crack a cold one and continue to celebrate my Giants victory. And I know that this is not a sports blog, but a very melancholy happy trails to one of the greatest coaches of all time. Joe Pa, you will be missed. And to those who called for his head after those unfortunate incidents that occurred earlier in the year, I got one thing to say to you, Fuck off outta here. Like he did what he thought was best. If that ain’t good enough for you, piss off. 
Okay, sorry. I rambled. But on that note, until next time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out. C-ya on the flip side motherfuckers. This is Zombie Zane signing off.

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