Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well hello there DEH fanatics! As you may or may not know, depending on whether or not you read Zane's post yesterday (which you damn well better have), we are totally going retro on you this week. That's right...this week it's all about the 70's. And what better than to tell you about some awesome or not so awesome 70's movies...right? Heck yes! Today I'll be telling you about a movie called Blood and Lace. Ever heard of it? Me either! Blood and Lace is 1971 horror film. It was directed by Phillip Gilbert and written by Gil Lasky. So hold on to your NB while I tell you a little about it.
After her prostitute mother and her client are beaten to death with a hammer while they are asleep in bed, Ellie Masters is sent to an orphanage run by Mrs. Deere and her handyman named Tom. Detective Calvin Carruthers takes an extreme interest in the welfare of teenager Ellie Masters, an almost intimate interest for that matter. And the person who has no interest in her well being whatsoever is her social worker, Harold Mullins, who is completely wrapped around Mrs. Deere's finger. Soon after arriving at the orphanage, Ellie notices strange and unpleasant things happening. She finds a girl locked in the basement, being punished for attempting to run away. And then Ellie is told stories of other children who have tried to run away, but were never found. Ellie compares the orphanage to a concentration camp and soon finds out that Mrs. Deere and Tom are nothing but brutal sadists, but that's the least of Ellie's worries. She gets the feeling that the hammer wielding- killer that murdered her mother, is after her next.
Dun dun dun! OHHH NOOO! Ahh the retro 70's horror movies. You either love 'em or you don't. I am the epitome of new school, so naturally I'm not really turned on to the older stuff. But actually, this film wasn't all that bad. The acting wasn't that great, and the whore and her client getting beaten to death with a hammer scene was sooo fake. And the blood looked like red paint. But it was the 70's so I guess it makes sense. The film kept me mildly interested, although at times I did find myself falling asleep...and wishing that I had a giant muffin. But other than that, it wasn't horrible. Overall I'd give Blood and Lace a 3 out of 5. I was gonna give it a 2, but the bitch slap of a twist at the end totally gave me the shocker, so it definitely upped the score. I didn't even see it coming!! I'd probably watch this film again...if I were bored...with NOTHING else to watch. Maybe. And hey, while you're here, how about you check out Zane's Monday post if you haven't already. Thanks for stopping by Dead End Horror!

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