Thursday, January 26, 2012


How are you doing slimes? Apparently good and well, the mutilation of lady bits is still a popular search, so you must be doing just dandy, yes? Anyway it is yours truly Sasha Slaughter here with you and in continuing with the theme of the week, today I'll be telling you about another 70's horror movie. YAY! The film I'll be telling you about is called Crucible of Horror (Also known as The Corpse or The Velvet House). 

It's a 1970's British horror movie. It was written by Olaf Pooley and directed by Viktors Ritelis. Now that you know the basics, let me tell you a little about the movie.
A sadistic banker named Walter Eastwood tortures and humiliates his Wife Edith and daughter Jane on a daily basis. While his son Rupert gets away with everything, as he is the obvious favorite. After finding out that Jane had stolen money, Walter beats her with a switch, leaving deep red scars, which happens to be a repeated ritual. While her daughter is getting beaten, Edith cowers in room and does nothing. 

Rupert drowns out his sisters screams with his headphones. One day, after a particularly brutal beating, Jane and Edith make the decision that they are going to kill Walter because they've had enough of him ruling their lives. They plan to poison him while he is away at their cottage for the weekend. Only their plan goes horribly wrong...I think.
WHAT??? This movie made absolutely ZERO sense to me. I can't even begin to understand what the hell this movie was supposed to be about. It was quite befuddling. It was confusing and incredibly slow slow moving in fact that I thought about taking a damn nap. 

The acting was pretty good, but sweet Jesus it was confusing! Did I say that already? I don't care! I honestly don't know what this movie was supposed to be about. I didn't get it! And how the hell did the dudes body get inside a wooden crate? And if he was dead, who made his bed? And why was the wife all ashen and pale at the end of the movie? I DON'T GET IT!! 
Overall I'd give Crucible of Horror a 1 out of 5. Yeah, it's that bad. If you are easily confused (Which I am...sometimes) then DO NOT watch this movie...because trust me, you won't get it. Now then, since you're here (and hopefully not confused) stop by and see what Zane's up to. I'm almost sure it may involve some boobs...or other body parts! Thanks for stopping by Dead End Horror.

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