Monday, January 30, 2012

Waxin' On Waxin' Off Just Because By: Zombie Zane

Hello Dead End Horror fans that like to wear thongs and scream, “Shout at the Devil” at the top of your lungs. What’s new? By the way, Sasha and I are pretty geeked. We’re about to hit the 1000 view mark for the month. This little horror blog is our baby and we’ve watched it become a grown ass blog! So thanks to all of you minions for the constant support.

Now then. This week at DEH is going to be all about cult classic horror films. If you have no idea what they are, stick around for the week and we will be more than happy to edu-macte ya.  
As far as what we’re gonna post, not gonna tell ya. I usually do but today I’m feeling a bit tight lipped. Tight like Sasha’s....WHOA! HEY NOW! Won’t go there. Sorry, Sasha. But I just had to.

Okay, moving right along. Umm...I will tell you this. I’m going to be throwing down a top ten or fifteen list of some of the best cult classic horror films. So that way if you are somewhat naieve on the subject you’ll have something to reference to.
Oh yeah! I may also throw in some nasty horror jokes as well. Wanna hear one? Okay!

Q: “What did one lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire?”
A: “See you next month!”
Funny! I’ll maybe post some more throughout the week. Not that they have shit to do with our weekly topic but whatever.

Anywho, that’s about it. Be sure and hang around this week. We’ll be talking about some pretty cool movies and shit. We may even have a few laughs. So until tomorrow, take care, stay a-scared and I am out! Peace peace and cyber stalking douche bag grease. Fuck you Rex! Cocksuckin’ bitch boy!

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