Ok, I'll come right out and say it...I lied. Last week was not actually the final week of random stuff month. My bad!!! I don't know wtf I was thinking...or if I was thinking at all for that matter. But now that we got that straightened out, let's get down to business. I'll be reviewing Fear Itself episode 4: The Sacrifice....dun dun dun!! Here we go!!!
On the run from the authorities for stealing guns, four criminals find themselves holed up in an old, decrepit fort inhabited by 3 alluring women who all share a deadly secret. Point, Lemon, Diego, and Navarro are driving down a dirt road when the bottom of their vehicle gets completely ripped out. With Navarro badly hurt, they must find somewhere for him to rest. They see an old fort a few miles up the road. They arrive at the seemingly empty fort and look around for anyone that's living there. They put Navarro on a couch for him to rest and check to see if anyone is there. They go into a bedroom with drawings all over the walls and while looking at the drawings they hear Navarro scream.
They rush into the living room to find a woman hovering over him. She tells them her name is Chelsea and then her sister Virginia walks into the room. They tell the men that they don't believe in modern things so they have no cars and no phone. They offer for the men to stay the night while they look after Navarro. Diego goes with Virginia to the barn to get blankets when she starts to seduce him, making him think she wants to sleep with him. She motions towards a pillow and blanket on the floor. Diego lays down and then falls into a trap underground. Virginia shuts the door on the trap and leaves. Chelsea is tending to Navarro when she tells Lemon and Point to go eat while she helps their injured friend. They meet the third sister, Tara, who doesn't speak, in the kitchen getting their food ready. Chelsea cleans the wound in Navarro's chest and then sews his mouth shut.

Point offers to take food to Navarro but Chelsea is adamant that he is asleep. Point goes anyway and finds Navarro with a wooden stake in his heart and his mouth sewn shut. He hears noises coming from the room he's in. He tries to save a man that's chained to a bed but something grabs the chain and the man disappears. Lemon goes out in search of Diego when he follows Virginia into the shed. She starts to seduce him (Prick tease!!) and then hits him in the head with the handle of an axe. When he wakes up Lemon is hanging upside down with his blood dripping into a pan. Point starts to look for Lemon when he stumbles across hundreds of license plates hanging from strings in the yard and realizes that one of the plates was from the car they were driving.
While Diego is screaming for help something opens the lid of the trap he's in (And that thing had the nastiest toe nails ever...gross!) and jumped in and killed him. Just then Tara comes into the room that Lemon is in and she shows him a drawing that she did of him. He tries to get Tara to let him down but when she hears growling she runs from the room. Point hears Lemon screaming and runs into the shed to find a creature (Really creepy creature) eating him. It jumps down to attack Point when he shoots it, but it disappears. He takes Lemon down from the ceiling and then Tara comes in with an axe and tries to cut of Lemon's head. Point pushes her into a hook in the wall, it goes through her stomach and she dies.
Point takes Lemon to the living room and finds Chelsea and Virginia standing here. He starts putting ammo in guns and asking for some answers. Chelsea tells him that he has to kill Lemon because he was bitten by the creature, and if he doesn't, Lemon will become a vampire. She tells him the only way to kill him is by fire, a stake through the heart, or by chopping off his head. He refuses to kill his brother and doesn't believe anything until Chelsea explains what is happening. She tells him that when they came from Romania the creature came with them so they built a fort to keep it contained so it wouldn't kill anyone else. As long as they supply it with human flesh it won't hurt them.
Lemon dies in Points arms and Chelsea tells him he has to cut off his head. Point tells her no and then Lemon comes back to life and tries to attack him. Point fights him off so Lemon attacks Virginia and bites her before trying to attack Point again. Point grabs a fireplace poker and stabs him in the heart with it, Lemons collapses and dies. They hear the creature breaking into the house because it smells blood and Virginia tells Chelsea she knows what she has to do because she was bitten. They hurry out of the house and into the barn. Chelsea puts Virginia into the trap so the creature can eat her because she's been infected. They say their goodbyes and hear the creature coming so they hide in another room. The creature is standing in front of the trap when Point runs out of the room and pushes it into the trap. Chelsea closes the door and while the creature is busy eating Chelsea they decide to burn it. They puncture the door of the trap with an axe and pour gasoline into the puncture holes and.....
And then what?? IDK! How about you mosey on over to Netflix, look up Fear Itself and give The Sacrifice a look see huh??? Ok then, now it's time to hear my thoughts =). I actually liked this episode. The concept of the story I thought was really good. I was mucho disappointed in the previous one, but this one makes up for it. The plot was really good, kind of old school with the girls not believing in electricity and what not, sort of gave it that older times kind of vibe. The acting was really good also. It wasn't over the top or anything, it was definitely believable. The one thing that bothered me though was when the one girl cried she ALWAYS had snot running down her face...seriously. Every single time she cried she had two snot trails coming from her nose. That was sort of gross. I don't know why, but that bothered me.
And the vampire creature thing was uber creepy!! I mean...WOW!! It had long gross toe nails, tattered clothes and the most hideous face ever...Ughh!! Gave me the willies! I never saw a vampire that damn creepy. And it made all these weird screeching, growling noises. Yipes! There was a good amount of blood, and a few death scenes. It wasn't your typical vampire story either, which I liked. There were no sparkly vegetarian vampires. It was just one creepy, blood thirsty creature wanting to mess you all up. I think overall I'd give The Sacrifice a 3.5 out of 5. It was just a really great episode. Fear Itself, you have redeemed yourself!!! Until next time faithful blog readers, this is Sasha Slaughter saying so long! And while you're here, how about you go give Zane’s stuff a read. I'm sure it might contain some nudity, or some gratuitous violence...or something along those lines. So check it out and thanks for stopping by!!
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