Ughh I need some coffee up in this bitch!!! Oh hi there! Sasha Slaughter here with you and we'll be bringing you 2 more days of complete randomness. Oh yeah!! So I was kind of stumped as to what to do today, so Zane helped me out a little. He recommended that I give the movie Shrooms a watch, so I did. And now I'm going to tell you all about it...or almost all about it. So put your hand down your pants and get comfy, cuz here we go!
When a group of adventurous American kids on holiday in rural Ireland eat some magic mushrooms, they find themselves plagued by nightmarish visions. Is it all real or is just drug induced paranoia? Tara and her friends Lisa, Holly, Bluto, and Troy meet up with Jake, Tara's one time boyfriend in Ireland for a trip they'll never forget. Jake plans on taking them into the woods and introducing them to magic mushrooms. On they way into the woods Tara hits an animal on the road and everyone gets out to investigate. Two hillbilly creepers come out of the woods (Irish hillbilly creepers that is) and look at the animal and Jake tells everyone that they want the dead animal. He picks it up and places it in front of them and they leave. They set up camp in the middle of the woods and go searching for magic mushrooms.

Jake is talking to Troy and Holly when they find a mushroom with a black tip. Jake tells them that it can kill anyone who eats it by stopping their heart or making their kidneys or lungs explode. He then tells them that in ancient Irish stories the mushrooms were said to cause premonitions, the ability to talk to the dead, shape shifting and uncontrollable ferocity. Tara isn't with the group when they are warned about the black tipped mushrooms and comes across one while walking through the woods. Always wanting to be a bit more dangerous, Tra decides to eat one. Soon after she starts hearing and seeing things. She collapses onto the ground and is having a convulsion when Jake finds her. She tops breathing and he gives her CPR. She coughs and starts breathing again telling him that she knew he was coming for her.
He carries her back to camp and Lisa takes her into a tent, gives her water and tells her to rest. After she leaves the tent, Lisa joins the others while Jake starts telling them a story. He tells them the story of the abandoned house a few miles away from where they are. He tells them about a boy (He was called the Lonely Twin) who went insane and killed 78 people, but they never found him or the person they called The Black Brother (Does that sound as racist to you as it does to me?). Tara starts seeing images of the story that Jake is telling. He tells everyone that there are stories of people hearing voices and seeing things in the woods and sometimes getting hit by rocks that are thrown from nowhere. Everyone starts freaking out and decide to go to bed.
Bluto gets into a fight with Lisa and she kicks him out of the tent. He goes to the fire where the mushrooms are boiling and drinks the tea they made from the mushrooms. Shortly after he starts tripping hardcore and wanders into the woods. He comes across a talking cow who tells him that he is fucked (Ha..that talking cow was funny). The cow tells him not to walk in the direction that he was headed but he goes anyway. He thinks he sees a girl in the woods and follows after her. He sees a car parked in the middle of the woods and remembers the story Jake told him. He said that if you see a car in the woods and two people are making out inside, if they flash the light three times you are supposed to go to the window and put your dingus inside the window, and the girl inside will give the guy a happy ending (A romance explosion!). He goes to the window and puts his dingus inside and a head appears and he thinks he's getting a blow job when a head falls out of the window. He backs away and gets pulled back in front of the car and gets his dingus bitten off. He is trying to escape when a dark figure (The Black Brother) hits him with an axe.
Tara had a dream that there was trouble and goes out looking for Bluto in the woods. She finally finds him talking to a cow and brings him back to camp and puts him in her tent to go sleep. The next morning Lisa wakes up with some of her hair cut off and a pair of scissors beside her and she thinks that Bluto did it. So Tara and Lisa go looking for him because he left in the middle of the night again. Tara and Lisa find everyone back at camp, already tripping, and tell them that they can't find Bluto. No one seems to care and they find his shoes and shorts next to the river. Tara, Lisa, and Holly all go looking for him in the woods. Just then Tara has a vision of Bluto being killed and sees a dark figure coming out of the woods. She tells Lisa and Holly what she's seen and that she is seeing things before they happen.
Lisa and Holly start to fight and they roll down an embankment and Lisa rolls into a ditch. She sees a hand above the ditch and thinks it's Tara or Holly trying to help her. She grabs the hand and Bluto's body rolls on top of her. She gets out of the ditch and starts freaking out. They start hearing noises in the woods and Tara goes to see if it's Jake and Troy. She sees the dark figure in the woods and tells everyone to run. Holly finds a shed in the woods that belongs to the two hillbilly creepers. They let her in and she asks if they have a phone. They tell her they do, but she realizes that it doesn't work. They tell Holly that they used to me in the home that Jake was telling them about. She goes into the bathroom and locks herself in when she hears noises outside the door. The two hillbillies let something into the shed and ran out the door and locked it. She escapes from the shed and runs into the woods.

Tara finds the old house from Jake’s story and goes in it to see if she can find Jake and Troy. Jake and Troy are in the house but are hiding from The Lonely Twin and The Black Brother. They keep hearing someone calling their names. They lock themselves in a room and as Troy is trying to find another door to escape, the Lonely Twin finds him and stabs him with a knife. Something comes after Jake and he runs and jumps out a window. Tara hears him and runs outside to find Jake laying on the ground. She puts a splint on his leg and says that they can get through this together. They are walking through the woods when she tells him that the figure is near them because she can feel it. She tells Jake to stay put and goes to investigate. Jake hears the dark figure in the tree above him, and then it attacks him. Tara rushes to Jake to find him dying, before he dies he tells her that he loves her. She runs through the woods trying to escape the dark figure when she runs into it. She wakes on a Gurney and has flashbacks of everything that happened and realizes that...
Well now, if you want to know what Tara realized, watch Shrooms and find out for yourself. You'll be glad you did. So, my thoughts on Shrooms...It was AWESOME!! Good job Zane!! That was a really good movie. I didn't even see the ending coming, it definitely surprised me. I read the reviews of the movie and a lot of the people said the end was cheesy...WTF were they watching?? Piss off!!! I totally stole that from Zane =). Anyway, there wasn't an excessive amount of gore, just enough to make it good. Some films are a bit too gory, which makes them not so believable. But Shrooms had just the right amount of gore and suspense to make it good. You had no idea whether it was just a horrible trip they were all on or if someone or something was whacking them one by one. Overall I'd give Shrooms a 4 out of 5. The acting was decent, the plot was good, the ending surprised me and the talking cow that was cussing at the guy was just plain funny. I mean, the cow told him he was fucked...or was the cow really talking at all?? Hmmmm!!! But yeah, I highly recommend this movie to you, our faithful blog readers. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to swing by and see what Zane has in store for might just blow your minds!
Sasha Slaughter |
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