Thursday, July 28, 2011


BOOM-SHA-LOCK-LOCK-BOOM!! What’s good? It’s me, Zombie Zane coming at ya live and direct from the glass furnace otherwise known as the seven six one oh seven. Well, here we are, together again. This is the last post of the week and this is also the last post of our old school horror movie tribute. Was that a run on sentence? Ahh, fuck it. Who cares. In any case, I’m gonna close this bitch down with one more movie review. Why not. So have any of you seen or heard of a little movie called, ‘KING OF THE ZOMBIES?’ No? Well, shit the bed! How about I educate you on it? I mean what else have you got going on? Ok, enough foreplay, let’s get to the good stuff, yes?

‘King of the Zombies’ is a 19 and 41 comedy/horror film produced by Monogram Pictures. Now this film was supposed to star Bela Lugosi as Dr. Victor Sangre, but he was not available for the role. Peter Lorre was then contacted, but a deal could not be done so this other dude, Henry Victor got the part just prior to filming. Anyway, this film runs just about 67mins, and it was released in May of 1941. It also spawned a sequel, ‘Revenge of the Zombies.’ Which came out two years later in 1943. One other tidbit for ya, ‘King of the Zombies’ was also nominated for an Academy Award for best music in a dramatic picture. Fuckin’ cool! Who knew? Well, I did. Seeing how I am the one writing this. Anyway, how about we get to the plot?

THE PLOT:   An American government agent, his butler, and a pilot, crash somewhere in the Caribbeans. They were out looking for a missing admiral when their plane went boom. Anyway, they are taken in by a German doctor (who was supposed to be played by Lugosi) So the three guests find out that the island is crawling with zombies. As well as the doctor’s house. Now the good doctor is the boss of the zombies. He like controls them by using some kind of fuck-fuck trick on their minds. Now our three heroes figure out that the doctor is using the zombies to aid the war effort (This took place in WW II obviously) And no way are they gonna let that happen. So they try and thwart the doctors plans. Do they succeed? Do they become zombies? What happens!! You’ll just have to watch it. Hey! Don’t piss and moan. It’s only a little over an hour. You can do it!

Ok, now let me tell ya what I thought of this little gem of a film. Overall, I dug it. The butler dude was funny as fuck! I think he was played by Mantan Moreland. He had some fuckin’ classic lines! I’ll try to find some clips of him on Youtube and if I can I’ll post it at the end of this. But as I was saying, I dug this movie. I mean it had it’s flaws...I thought the zombies were a bit on the retarded side, and the ending (it’s always the christing ending) was kinda idk...flat. Maybe to abrupt or something? But in any case, I liked it, I didn’t really notice the music being that good for an Academy Award nominee, but whatever. All in all I give ‘King of the Zombies’ a middle of the road 2.5 out of 5. I docked it some points ‘cause of the odd ending and the retarded zombies. So lookit, grab a six pack, order you up a pizza and give this motherfucker a watch. Not a bad way to spend a hotter than shit summer night.

Ok, this concludes our old school horror tribute. Hope you learned some shit, hope you saw some of these films we reviewed. And most of all, I hope you had a good time reading. Before I go, I just wanna say thanks to y’all for coming over here and reading our shit. I really appreciate your time.

One more thing, be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff. She does all her blogging in the nude ya know. Sorry, Sasha, I had to put that in there. Ok, so until next time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out! ROCK OUT WITH YA COCK OUT!! YA KNOW YA SEE ME...

MAN, SHIT!! I couldn't find any of the butler shit, so what I'm doing is I'm gonna post the whole movie. All 67 minutes of it. So there ya go. I just gave you access to a free film. The beer and the pizza is up to you...ENJOY!

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