Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SHE'S ALIVE!!! ALIVE!!! By: Sasha Slaughter

Oh yo ho hello there!!! Sasha Slaughter here with you for the last week of old school horror (sad face). Yes it's true, old school horror month is almost over!! But never fear, Zane and I will be sure to make this last week worth your while!! =) I'll be reviewing The Bride of Frankenstein. So since you're here, how about you stick around?? The Bride of Frankenstein came out in 1935 and was directed by James Whale. It stars Boris Karloff as the Monster and and Colin Clive as Dr. Henry Frankenstein.

After Dr. Henry Frankenstein vows to to stop doing his dark experiments he gets blackmailed into creating another monster but this time, in female form. She will serve as the bride of his other ghoulish creation the monster. Dr. Pretorius forces Henry to help him with his experiment by kidnapping Henry's wife Elizabeth and telling him that she will return safely as long as he helps him with his new female monster....

The movie starts with Lord Byron, Mary, and her husband Shelley watching a storm outside and talking about the book that Mary wrote. She tells them to come to her because she feels like telling them the story that she penned... A mill is burning as the townspeople gather around to watch. They see the monster throw Dr. Frankenstein from the top of the mill and then disappear. The mill burns and the townspeople believe that the monster is dead and they go home. One of the townspeople stayed behind to make sure the monster was dead because the monster killed his daughter. The mans wife tells him to come with her and that the monster is dead. He goes into the burned mill and falls in. The monster sees him and drowns him in the water and gets out and throws the mans wife in.

They take Henry's body back to his home to tell his fiance Elizabeth that he is dead. They place his body on the table while she mourns his death. She begins to walk towards the stairs when Minnie (She is hilarious...her acting is so funny) tells Elizabeth that Henry isn't dead. He wakes up and calls for Elizabeth and they take him upstairs into bed. He tells his fiance that he wants to know the secret of life and that he is the one that created the monster out of dead bodies. Just then Dr. Pretorius arrives at Henry's home to speak to Henry. He tells him he and Henry need to work together and make a new creation. Henry refuses and then the Dr. reminds him that he is at fault for all of the deaths around the town because it was the monster that Henry created that was killing people.

Dr. Pretorius asks Henry to go to his home and see what he created. Henry agrees to go and when he arrives the Dr. brings out a case full of tall glass cylinders. The Dr. reveals what is in the cylinders and they are little tiny people that he had created. He tells Henry that he created these people from seed. He asks Henry to join him and leave his home to be his partner so they can create a female. But Henry tells him no.

The monster is wandering through the woods when he sees a woman, she begins screaming and men from the village hear the screams and they see the monster and shoot him but he runs off. The villagers catch up to him and tie him up and take him into town where he is chained up in the dungeon. Shortly after he is chained he breaks free and terrorizes the town before wandering into the woods. He hears someone playing the violin. He goes into the mans home and the man tells him that he is blind and asks if the monster will be his friend.

The following day the man is teaching the monster how to speak when two men ask if the man can tell them how to get out of the woods. The man tells them to come in and rest but the men realize that the monster is in the mans home. They try to shoot the monster but he stops them. They take the blind man out of his house when it catches on fire. The monster escapes and hides in the graveyard. The monster hears people approaching and hides when Dr. Pretorius comes into the graveyard with two men. He has the two men open a coffin and they steal the bones from it. The two men leave and Dr. Pretorius stays behind when the monster comes up behind him. He tells the Dr. that he wants a friend and the doctor tells him that they are going to make him a woman friend.

Dr. Pretorius visits Henry and asks him to come with him so they can create an experiment together. Henry refuses and the Dr. brings the monster in and the monster tells Henry to do the experiment. Henry asks the Dr. to please make the monster leave so they can talk. The monster leaves the house and sees Henry's wife Elizbeth. He goes into the room she is in and kidnaps her. Dr. Pretorius tells Henry that Elizabeth will be safe as long as he agrees to do what the monster demands. Henry agrees to help the Dr. with the experiment.

They are trying to create the experiment and they need a strong, healthy heart. They send a man out to get one for them. He sees a young woman and kills her and takes her heart. They test it and find that it's strong enough to use in the woman they are creating. The monster appears and tells Henry to hurry and keep working and that when the experiment is done he will get his wife back. A storm begins and the Dr. tells the two men working for him to get the kites ready so they can use the lightning from the storm to get electricity to shock the woman. After this happens, the woman comes to life. Dr. Pretorius calls her the bride of Frankenstein. The monster comes and tries to talk to her but she screams everytime he goes near her. The monster says that she hates him. Elizabeth escapes and goes to find Henry. The monster tells Henry and Elizabeth to leave. He tells Dr. Pretorius to stay because they all belong dead and....

Well now, how about you give The Bride of Frankenstein a watch if you really wanna know what happens at the end. Now, onto what I thought. I actually liked this movie. It was a little slow in the beginning and some of the acting was just over the top. I thought the character Minnie was hilarious. Her acting made me laugh a few times. I think overall I'd give it a 2.75. There was no blood, no gore, no death scenes and no butt or anything, but I don't think this movie needed any of that to be good. It is a true classic and I was impressed. And I'll admit, it kinda made me sad when they showed the monster crying!! Ughh! And by the way, Boris Karloff is one badass monster. Seriously, he was just amazing!! This was a great movie for sure. And since you're here, be sure to check out Zombie Zanes review of Little Shop of Horrors. And yeah you know, check back next week for new stuff here at Dead End Horror.


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