Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hey hey hey!! Sasha Slaughter here with you for the final day of old school horror!!! It's raining in this bitch!!! I hope I don't lose power!! Yipes! Anyway, it is the last day of old school horror month, I hope Zane and I made it entertaining and informational for you. And if you didn't like it, well friends there is only one thing you can do...SUCK IT! Ha!! Now pay attention while I review Nosferatu for your reading pleasure.

Nosferatu came out in 1929 and was directed by F.W. Murnau. It's a silent foreign horror film (German to be exact) and it was based on Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. Basically the plot of this little foreign film has real estate agent Hutter conducting business with the dark Count Orlok. Hutters' boss Knock sends him to Transylvania because Orlok is interested in buying property in Wisborg, where Hutter and his wife Ellen are from. Knock tells Hutter to offer Orlok the old abdoned home across from his own, so Hutter sets out to Transylvania to talk to Orlok and see if he is interested.

While on his journey to Transylvania Hutters tells several people of his intent to go to Orlok's castle, they are frightened and tell him he cannot go until morning because the wolf is roaming the forest. The following day Hutter continues his trip to see Orlok. The men who take him by carriage stop in the middle in the journey and tell him they won't go any further because the other side of the pass they have to cross is creepy. As Hutter is walking, a strange man in a carriage comes and picks him up and takes him to Count Orlok's castle. Orlok welcomes him into the castle but while he is eating dinner he cuts himself and Orlok attempts to suck the blood from his finger. Hutter is frightened and repulsed by him.

The following morning upon waking up he sees two puncture wounds on his neck but thinks that they are perhaps mosquito bites. While reading the papers to purchase the house Orlok sees a picture of Hutter's wife Ellen and is mesmerized and then says that she has a beautiful neck. Later that night Hutter goes to explore the grounds and finds Orlok in a coffin and freaks out. Shortly after that Hutter sees Orlok take his coffin and leave by horse and carriage. Hutter ties bed sheets together to escape (Why didn't he just use the front door??) and tries to get to his wife Ellen is Wisborg. He falls out the window and two farmers find him and take him to a hospital.

Orlok manages to get his coffin aboard a ship and ends up in Wisborg. Along the way all of the men on the ship are killed by Orlok. In Wisborg there is a report that there is a widespread epidemic or plague happening in Transylvania. Victims appear to have two scars or puntcure wounds on their neck and then they get sick. The townspeople are fearing for their lives so they are asked to stay inside and lock their doors and windows. Orlok makes it to Wisborg with coffin in hand and finds the house across from Hutter and Ellen. Finally after a long journey Hutter makes it home safely shortly after Orlok's arrival. Ellen begins to act strangely and sees the wicked Count Orlok in the window of the house across from her. She reads in a book that the only way to stop a vampire is to give her blood willingly. She feigns an illness and tells Hutter to get a doctor. After he leaves Orlok arrives at their home and drinks Ellen's blood until sunrise and then....

Ahh ha! How about you watch Nosferatu and find out what happens?? Or not. Personally I thought it was a total snooze fest. I KNOW! It's a damn classic and it's been called the "scariest Dracula adaptation ever" blah blah blah. Fuck that noise. I was bored as hell!! I was literally counting down the minutes until it was over. Don't hate. Overall I'd rate this bad (and I emphasize bad) boy a 2 out of a possible 5. I'm more of a new school person and that whole silent film thing is not my shot of vodka at all!! The people in the movie were creepy and wickedly hairy...I mean their sideburns and eyebrows were....scary!! The acting (If you can call it that) was a bit ridiculous and the music was insanely annoying (You best believe I muted that after 5 minutes).

But I will say, I was going to give this movie a 1.5 but the fact that Count Orlok was so hideous and grotesque kinda bumped up my score. The make up was insane! And his little gnarled twisted fingers...ughh! He was the best part of that movie (Well that and the actual end was the best know, when it was over.) Anyway, thats what I thought about Nosferatu. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. It was my first silent film ever and Zane is definitley teaching me a thing or two about horror. With that being said, don't forget to check out Zanes stuff, he's a bit of an exhibitionist of sorts, he loves showing you what he's got, huh Zane?? =) And as always do come back next week for all new stuff here at Dead End Horror.

PS!! Before I go, take a peep at this....

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