Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Secret Thoughts Lead to Bathroom Sex By: Zombie Zane

Bop-bop-bop-and fap-fap-fap! What’s new Dead End Horror fans? In case you haven’t noticed, this post is coming out a day late. Due to the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl festivities, Sasha and I decided to take yesterday off. I too elated with my New York Giants to even think about work.

So it’s now Tuesday and it’s back to the regular grind. Anyway, this week at DEH we’re just gonna do some random type shit. No real topic, just random horror whatever. Is that okay with you? No!? Too motherfucking bad! Our blog, our rules. But don’t worry, you’ll dig our shit. You always do. 
As far as digging our shit, Sasha will be doing a couple movie reviews, and maybe some dark poetry. She’s a damn good poet in case you didn’t know that. Me, I couldn’t write poetry to save my cock. Thank god that proposition hasn’t came about yet.

Anyway, as far as what I got going on for the week, not quite sure yet. Still mulling over what to do. But as usual, I’m a professional so you know it’ll be fuckin great. I may tell some nasty jokes, I was gonna do that last week but...And I got a couple of new horror movies I may wanna review. I guess you’ll just have to come back every day so you can find out. 
Well, I guess that’s about it for the day. I think I’ve covered everything that needs to be covered. Be sure and check back everyday so you can be up to date with our posts. Until tomorrow, take care, stay a-scared and I am out. Later taters!

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