Thursday, February 9, 2012

That's Not Fucking Funny By: Zombie Zane

Wack-a-do, wack-a-do! What’s new? What’s good Dead End Horror fans that sleep with sheep? Anyway, this is not my normal posting day, our schedule is all fucked up this week due to us taking Monday off. But we’ll be back on schedule next week.

So since this isn’t my usual day, I thought that I would post something out of the norm. I stumbled across some pretty funny zombie jokes and thought I’d share a few of them with you. Sounds like a fuckin’ laugh riot, yes? I thought so.   

Okay, no more rambling. What do you say we cut the foreplay and get to the jokes, yes? Without further ado, here are five fucking funny zombie jokes:

Q: “What’s cuter than a zombie baby?”

A: “A zombie baby with a bunny head in its mouth.”

How cute! If that were my child I’d be posting that shit all over facebook! Wonder who many ‘Like’ hits I’d receive.

Q: “Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?”

A: “No! They eat the fingers separately."

Okay, that was a little lame. It did give me a chuckle though. Let’s see if I can’t turn up the heat on the next couple.

Q: “What’s blue, covered with frost, and sits next to a turkey?”

A: “ A zombie baby in the freezer!”

Ba-boom-crash! I’m not sure why the zombie baby is in the freezer. Like I get the joke and all but why the fuck is it in the freezer? Maybe someone locked it in there. Whatever.

Q: “What did the zombie do after it’s teeth were pulled out?”

A: “ It ate the dentist.”

Man, I really don’t get that one either. Why the hell would a zombie be at the dentist’s office any damn way? Okay, I know these are a little on the bad side, I’ll try and find better jokes the next time. Let’s do one more.

Q: “What do you call a zombie in a tux?”

A: “Black and white and dead all over.”

Okay, okay that’s it. No more jokes. If I didn’t have shit to do today I’d probably rethink this post. But, alas, I am a busy guy so I’m gonna post this anyway. Go by and read some of Sasha’s shit. It’s surely better than this post. Until tomorrow, take care, stay a-scared and I am out.

Zombie Jokes

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