Tuesday, August 2, 2011


WHOA DADDY! Coming to ya live and direct from the seven six one oh seven which is also known as the hottest place in the fuckin world. Could it be any hotter? Yes. Yes it could be. And I fear that the worst isn’t over yet. I may melt away before I finish typing this so if I stop in mid post, you’ll know the reason why.

So, since it’s hotter than Hades here, I thought this would be a good time to review a movie that takes place in the water. Good idea huh? This week at Dead End Horror, we’re gonna be doing kinda a hodgepodge, or an olio if you will. No particular theme, just kinda this and that. Not to worry though, it’ll be good. We are professionals after all. Ok, so how about we wrap up the foreplay and get to this weeks shit, yes?

Have any of you guys seen, ‘Open Water?’ It’s a total kick ass film! I know there are some haters out there who found it hard to sit through and rather boring, but fuck off outta here. It’s a great movie with tons of sharks. And just a little fyi, ‘Shark Week’ started on Sunday so they both kinda go hand in hand. I love me some shark shit!

‘Open Water’ is an indie film that was released in 2003. And yes, it is a horror film. It was directed by Chris Kentis and his wife Laura Lau. Now these guys pretty much made the whole movie themselves. No shit. So that’s pretty impressive, don’t ya think? It was shot for around $500,000 and I think the film grossed something like $55 million overall. It runs just about 80mins and it can be found on Netflix. Not for instant watch yet, but it’s still available on dvd. I got mine at Half Price Books for like $3 so I really lucked out there. Ok, let’s get to the plot and stuff.

PLOT AND STUFF - Now this film is based on a true story. No, it is. It’s based on an American couple (Tom and Eileen Lonegran) who in the late 90's were scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef and were actually left behind because the dive boat crew fucked up the head count. The couple was never heard from again. (Cue the dramatic music...NOW!) Pretty freaky-deaky stuff, huh?

Now the plot is basically like the above paragraph, so I’m not gonna waste yours, and what is infinitely more important, my time on rehashing it. Just rest assured that this is one scary fuckin film and it should mos’ def’ be watched. What makes this film scary is that it could/did actually happen. I mean it’s mind blowing scary to think about just floating around in the ocean with no land in sight and just waiting to become shark food. With this film all ya gotta do is just put your self in the actors’ place and I guarantee ya it’ll freak you out.

Ok, time for the scores...

BODY COUNT - 2- A small number, but shit, there isn’t but 10 people in the whole film.

SEX SCENES - 0 - No humping. BOO!

NUDITY NUMBER - 1.5 out of 5 - A bit of bush, a bit of boob.

SEVERINGS - 0 - Nada here either. But this film is still scary enough without amputations.

GORE SCORE - 1 - Not really much gore, but as I said, this film is more of a mind fuck.

MY SCORE - 4.75 out of 5 - Great movie! Great acting! Great music! Just all around one of the best horror movies out there. I know there are gonna be those who didn’t/won’t like it, and those people can suck it. This film is truly worth 80mins of your time. Would I lie to you guys? Hell to the naw! So get somewhere cool, grab some snacks, and kick back and give ‘Open Water’ a day in court.

Zombie Zane
Well, that’s all I got for now. Be sure and look at Sasha’s stuff as well. She just loves showing it off. So until next time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out!

PS!! Here's a little something to watch before ya vamos....

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