Friday, June 24, 2011

Ohh nooo! Don't probe me! by Sasha Slaughter

Heyyyy!!! It's that time once again for more ass kicking stuff here at Dead End Horror. Since our theme this week is horror/sci-fi, I'm going to be telling you a little about a feller named Travis Walton, who supposedly got abducted by aliens. They made a movie based on his story and it's called Fire in the Sky. It came out in 1993 and was directed by Robert Liberman. I'll be giving a movie review of it and a little info in a different article about the abduction. Here it goes!!

The movie starts off in Snowflake, Arizona with a truck speeding out of the woods. The truck pulls into bar and five visibly shaken men get out of the truck and walk slowly into the bar. They sit down and Mike Rogers, the boss of the logging company that the men work for, goes to the pay phone and calls the police to report his co-worker and best friend Travis Walton missing. The Sheriff shows up and question the men tirelessly about what exactly happened. The men all tell the same story.

They tell the Sheriff that while on the way home they see bright red lights above the trees. They followed the lights to get a closer look. They stopped a few feet away from what looks like a saucer hovering in the sky. Travis immediately gets out of the truck and runs toward the saucer, trying to get a better look. The men in the truck yell for him to come back but Walton stands there staring at the sky. Just then a beam of blue-green lights comes from the craft and strikes Travis and he falls to the ground and doesn't move. Travis' co-workers get scared and they take off in the truck. They stop a few feet down the road and Mike tells everyone to get out because he's going back to get Travis. Upon returning there is no sign of Travis anywhere, or the saucer they saw in the sky.

The cops don't believe the story and they suspect that the men may have murdered Travis and are making this story up. The next morning there are volunteers, men on horses, dogs, and helicopters combing the woods where Travis disappeared. One of the dogs finds something buried in the ground, and they believe they found Travis Waltons body, but it turns out to be the skeletal remains of an animal. Mike Rogers runs into some little creeper named Jarvis who believes in UFO's and wants to hear his story so he gives Mike his card and tells him to call if he wants to talk.

Meanwhile the police are trying to get the men to confess to the murder of Travis Walton because no one believes their UFO story. The entire town is convinced they had something to do with the disappearance and possible death of Walton. The Sheriff of the town asks Mike and his men to take a lie detector test to prove their innocence, but they refuse. Dallis, one of Travis' co-workers isn't cooperating with the investigation so Mike and TC go to find him and ask him to cooperate and take the lie detector test with him and he agrees. The town is holding a meeting to talk about whats going on with Travis' disappearance. Everyone is convinced that Travis is dead and Mike and his crew are responsible. Just then Mike appears at the meeting and pretty much tells everyone to shut the fuck up and if they have anything to say, to say it to his face. No one says a word and he walks out.

The five men go to the police station to take lie detector tests. The examiner asks them questions about the night of Travis' disappearance and if they did actually see a saucer in the sky. All of the men have the same answers except for Dallis. His test was inconclusive so the Sheriff tells them to come back tomorrow to do it again. Mike spazzes and tells him they're not coming back. After they walk out of the police station the examiner reveals that aside from the inconclusive test, all of the men passed the polygraph test.

Mike goes home after the test and his wife tells him they've been getting prank phone calls for the past few days. The phone rings and Mike answers it. The voice on the other end says that he's Travis and that he's at a gas station and he needs help. Mike, Travis' brother, Mikes sister Dana, and TC go to see if it was infact Travis calling from a gas station in Arizona. They pass one gas station with pay phones but theres no one there. They think it was a hoax but Mike drives to another gas station in town and they pull in. Dana sees someone huddled up and naked by an ice machine and they all realize it's Travis. He's freaking out and screaming when people try to touch him so Mike calls the creepy UFO guy to come talk to Travis.

The UFO guy shows up and starts taking pictures of Travis and asking for a urine sample. A huge fight breaks out and Travis sits there, staring blankly out the window until he sees what looks like an alien handprint on the window, and he starts freaking out. They end up calling 911 and he's rushed to the hospital. By this time he's completely silent and as they wheel him to the ER he's having flashbacks of what happened to him. After he calms down, Mike visits him and admits to him that they left Travis after he was struck by the light beam and that he came back to look for him. Travis got angry that they left him and Mike told him that it was his fault, that if he hadn't have left the truck, it never would have happened.

Travis gets out of the hospital and runs into the Sheriff who accuses Travis of making up the story so he can sell it to the tabloids to get money. He says he doesn't believe Travis and he'll be there when Travis decides to tell him the truth. They have a welcome home party for Travis and he starts to have more flashbacks of his ordeal. They become intense and he freaks out and hides under a table. His flashbacks are of him waking up in a cacoon like thing and falling out of it, but he floats. On his way out of the room he's in, he stumbles across a dead human body in one of the cacoon things he was in. He freaks out and tries to get out of the room. He floats into another room filled with what he thinks are spacesuits, but actually turn out to be aliens. They wake up and catch him and then drag him down a narrow hallway.

They put him on a table and rip of his clothes and then wrap him in some type of latex. They cover his whole body, including his face. Then one alien uses a metal object to cut out a whole in the latex covering his mouth, and a whole to expose an eye. They put some type of brown gooey stuff in his mouth and then they put a metal tool down his throat. They then pry his eye open and this white milky stuff goes into his eye. A metal laser comes from the ceiling and attaches itself to the thing in his mouth and a tiny drill comes out of it and goes towards his exposed eye, just before it reaches his eye, he wakes up in the hospital psychologists room.

He told the shrink and his close friends and family what happened and the shrink believes he's telling the truth. The Sheriff heard the whole thing but is still convinced they are lying and says he'll be there when they decide to stop lying. Fast forward two and a half years later and Travis is married to Mikes little sister Dana and they have a little boy and a girl on the way. Mike stopped talking to Travis the day at the hospital when he told Travis this whole thing was his fault. Travis decides to visit Mike and try to talk to him. They go for a ride and Travis takes Mike to the place where he was abducted. Travis admits that it is his fault and he never should have gotten out of the truck. He tells Mike he's not angry with him and they become friends again. AWWWWWW!!

Although I don't really know if I believe that this happened, this movie was actually pretty good. The actors were great and the acting itself was believeable, which is important. The special effects weren't amazing, it was 1993 afterall, but they looked real and the aliens were hella creepy! The scenes of his flashbacks where the aliens were experimenting on him were great. They showed everything the aliens did and it looked so real. There were some differences between the movie and what Walton described happened to him. The writers of the movie actually got complaints from Ufologists because they said it was exaggerated and some of it was inaccurate. One of the most inaccurate parts of the movie was his time spent in the UFO. It has almost no resemblance to what Walton said actually happened. Overall I'd give this a 2.75 out of 5. It was pretty good and I actually enjoyed watching, it kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next. So there you have it gals and ghouls. Don't forget to check out Zombie Zanes top Sci-fi/Horror movies and his review of Masters of Horror episode 3: Dance of the Dead. And as always faithful readers, check back next week for new stuff here at Dead End Horror.

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