Monday, February 20, 2012

When in Doubt Fuck a Zombie By: Zombie Zane

Rockin’ to the beat of the motherfuckin’ drum! Happy President’s Day Dead End Horror fans. What’s good besides your mother’s meatloaf? So, it’s Monday and that means it’s time for me to tell you fans what we have going on this week.

Before I let you know, I wanna ramble a second. Have you guys been watching ‘The Walking Dead’ on AMC? I hope so. If you’re not, you totally suck. Anyway, those who have been tuning in I’m sure you guys have seen the preview for the show, ‘Comic Book Men.’ Let me say I have never seen such dorky motherfuckers in all my life. I’d rather watch a ‘Twilight’ marathon than watch that show. Those dudes look like they haven’t gotten a piece of ass in years. God, what a bunch of fucking goobers. 
Anyway, just thought I’d share that with you. If you’re a fan of that show all apologies. On second thought, naw, fuck the apology. You’re probably a dork your damn self. So on to what’s cooking this week at Dead End Horror.

This week Sasha and I will be doing horror from the 1990's. There were a ton of good movies that came out back then so why not take a look back. As far as what movies we’ll be talking about, you’ll just have to wait and see. Why? Because I have no clue which movies Sasha will be talking about and I have no idea what movies I’ll be talking about. But you can bet your ass they will be good. 
So, check us out all week long and see what we come up with. That’s all I got today, but please, hang out and look at some of our old shit if you ain’t got nuttin’ better to do. Until tomorrow, take care, stay a-scared, and Sasha and I will catch you on the flip side. C-ya tomorrow horror fans.

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