Monday, January 16, 2012


Hello Dead End Horror fans that call boobs bullets and think that babies are stupid. What’s good? Anyway, this here post is out a little late. Why? Because I’ve been fucking busy that’s why! I joke, I kid. But better late than never, yes?

So, this week Sasha and I have decided to pay homage to one of the oldest genres in the horror world. Slasher films! Like everyone enjoys a good slasher movie, right? You’ve seen good ones, you’ve seen bad ones but the fucking point is, they are just down right fun. From their predictable plot to the scared, naked chick running and falling down on her face as the killer nears, ya just gotta love ‘em. 
Anywho, this week I’m gonna be giving you a nice little list of my favorite slasher films, and I’ll be reviewing a couple of movies as well. Sasha will follow suit and do the same. Before I forget, next week I’m gonna be reviewing a book. That’s right motherfuckers, I can read! I ain’t a ‘tard contrary to popular belief.

But for real, I’m gonna be talking about one of Jack Ketchum’s books, ‘Offspring.’ I’m sure that most of yous guys are familiar with the movie as well. Umm...I guess that’s all I got for your ass’ today. Be sure and check back tomorrow as the lovely, busty, Sasha ‘I can’t have it’ Slaughter bestows upon you her list of some of her favorite slasher films. 
So until the next time we meet, take care, stay a-scared and I am out! C-ya on the flip side motherfucker.

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