Monday, December 5, 2011


Hello Dead End Horror fans that run around aimlessly in a driving rain storm while singing Christmas tunes. What’s good? Ugh! Another looooong weekend here at DEH.(Dead End Horror) Sasha and I got mad wasted with a one-legged werewolf and my New York Football Giants got reamed in the ass for a fourth straight week. BUTT FUCK! Whatever.

Anyway, we got some good shit for ya this week. Sasha will be talking about the movie, “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I love that movie! ‘...Something’s up with Jack, something’s up with Jack...’ LOVE IT! One of my favorite holiday movies.  
Speaking of the holidays, is it me or are most of the Christmas commercials this year really, really gay? I mean, Jesus H! What happened to the good ones? Like the Coca-Cola polar bears? Or the Budweiser horses? I mean this shit they’re rolling out now sucks my ball-sac. Fucking Lexus commercials, (ya know, the ones that show the new car with the big bow) Fuck off. So lame.

And what about the Best Buy commercial? Ya know the ones with the ‘Game on, Santa’ slogan. Why buy all that shit if Santa’s gonna come anyway. Let the big guy do it. Stupid, smug bitches. If I were Santa and some bitch acted that way toward me, I’d take her shit back and then I’d slap the bitch. Talking about, ‘Oh, these are full. No room for you. Maybe you can fill his.’ She says as she points to the dog with the small stocking in his mouth. You’ve seen that one, right? Stupid cunt. 
Wow, I went off on a rant. Sorry. Still in a pissy mood due to my Giants losing today. Let’s get back to what’s on tap for the week here. Like I said, Sasha will be talking about ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ and she’ll also be throwing in some random shit as well.

Me, I’m gonna talk about the movie, “Gremlins.” One more of my favorite holiday horror films. Although it’s not really horror, but whatever. It makes the list anyway. I may also throw down a top ten list or something. And then again, I may just get lazy and hit the archives and re publish some more of our old shit. Who knows. But as you can guess, it’s gonna be good. I mean, isn’t it always? 
Ok, sheep. I’m out for now. Be sure and check back throughout week. We need all the hits we can get. So until then, take care, stay a-scared and I am out. Peace peace and left over hair gel grease.

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