Friday, November 11, 2011


Hello Dead End Horror sheep that are fans of the McRib and cops stuffed into sausage shirts. What’s good? Before I get into today’s shit, I gotta take a second and tell you something. Are you guys into ‘American Horror Story’ as much as I am? HOLY FUCK! Whatta series! This is probably some of the best TV I’ve seen since ‘Six Feet Under’ or ‘The Sopranos.’ I can’t begin to tell ya how fucking awesome this show is. So if you haven’t seen it yet, set the DVR or do what ya have to do to check it out. You won’t be disappointed.

So, with that being said, how about we get to today’s post? For today, I’m gonna be talking about one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Anyone seen the movie, ‘Session 9?’ No? What the hell! Why not? Well, I guess it’s time you kick back and gimmie a minute or two and let me educate your dumb ass. Just kidding. You’re not dumb. I mean you are reading this after all so you for sure get some props for that. 
‘Session 9' is a 2001 American horror movie directed by Brad Anderson. It stars the goofy bastard from CSI Miami (David Caruso) and Josh Lucas. Plus a couple of more dudes that I recognized but am too lazy to type their names. Anyway, it was released on August 10, 2001 and runs just about 100mins. It’s also available on Netflix instant watch so you can totally watch it after you read this.

This film is about a asbestos clean-up crew who is hurting for some cash. Anyway, the crew chief says he and his crew can get this abandoned mental hospital cleaned up in a week. However, the crew run into something more than they bargained for. The asylum has a gruesome past and it will stop at nothing to fuck shit up. The crew then falls under the curse of the place and that’s when this bad boy gets rolling. Ya gotta see it. It’s great.

Now understand, this film isn’t gory. Not in the least. It’s not that kind of film. It plays more on the psychological level, ya dig? Which sometimes is far more eerier than blood-guts and deranged madmen slashing up young virgins. Not that there’s anything wrong with those films either. This is just not one of those. But that doesn’t take anything away from this movie. So if you are wanting a break from the blood and gore, this is a good choice. 
As I said, I loved this film and it is one of my favorites. Like I give this movie a solid 4 out of 5. I’m not a fan of Caruso, he always looks like he’s smelling a fart or something. Whatever. Still, 4 out of 5. And the back story behind the asylum is damn near more fucked up than the actual movie. WARNING! This is one of those movies that you gotta listen to. If you talk, or fuck about while watching this, you’ll miss some good shit. So make sure you’re like prepared to watch, like REALLY watch it. With that said, we’re almost done here, so go give it a watch after you jump outta here. 
Well, I guess that’s it for today. It’s the weekend so that means we won’t be back until Monday. Ok, then. Have a safe weekend, take care and stay a-scared and I am out! Peace peace and fuck off to the old-drunken, drugged out riddled freaks!

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