Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hello Dead End Horror sheep that are fans of hot milk and stupid drunken behaviors. What’s good? Shit, it feels good to be back here doing what we do. Seems like it’s been a minute since I’ve talked to you about a movie. And holy fuck do I have a good one for ya today. So let’s cut out the foreplay and get to the shit, yes?

Today I’m gonna be talking about, “Jack Ketchum’s Offspring.” And you know if it’s Ketchum related, it’s gonna be graphic as fuck. Have you seen this one yet? No? Not to worry. Kick on back a minute or two and let me tell you all about it. I mean, what else do ya got going on? 
“Offspring” is a 2009 horror film written by Jack Ketchum and directed by Andrew van den Houten. It stars Jessica Butler, Kelly Carey, and Holter Graham. This film is also part of the Ghost House Underground series. Not sure if this is available on Netflix instant watch, but I think you can do the DVD thing with it. Anyway, that’s all the particulars I got, let’s get to the plot and other shit.

THE PLOT AND OTHER SHIT: Basically, the plot breaks down like this...Two women are abducted by a clan of blood-thirsty cannibals (wait, aren’t all cannibals blood thirsty?) Anyway, it’s up to the local sheriff and a young boy to save the day. Neato, huh? 
This film is one of my faves. I loved this movie! But I’m a fan of Ketchum so I’m kinda biased. His shit isn’t for everyone though. I mean, “The Girl Next Door” was a brutal watch. So is this movie too. The cannibal rape scene was rather disturbing. Not quite as much as ‘Girl Next Door’ but still. Not for the squeamish or the faint at heart. And if you aren’t into blood and gore, not the film for you. By the way, if you ain’t in to blood and gore, what the fuck are you doing here?

Anyway, this is a great horror film! I give this bad boy a 4.75 out of a possible 5. Plus it gets a solid 4.5 out of 5 on the gore score. Like I said, there’s flesh eating, gut eating, copious amounts of gory splatter and of course, some pretty graphic kill scenes. Not sure of the body count, but there’s enough killing to go ‘round. So if you are wanting some blood, guts, and murder, this is a great film for you. Zombie Zane  recommended, Zombie Zane approved.  
Okay, sheep. That’s all I got for ya today. Be sure and check out what Sasha has going on. She may be in the midst of evading Miss Piggy in a Blanket, but I’m sure she has the time for you. So until tomorrow, take care, stay a-scared and I am out. Peace peace and eat my motherfucking ass stuffed sausage grease!  (Was that over the top? Too nasty? My bad.)

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