Friday, July 8, 2011


YEP-YEP-YEP-YEP-YEP! Let’s do this motherfucker! Zombie Zane here with you once again from the glass furnace otherwise known as the seven six one oh seven. What’s poppin’ slimes? After a nice little break from the world of horror, Sasha and I are back this week with a whole new topic. This week we’re talking about Vincent Price films. In fact, the rest of this month will be dedicated to old school horror. So if you like old school horror, this will be awesome! If you don’t, well, we’ll try and do something better next month.

As I was saying, this week we decided to watch a couple Vincent Price films. I watched, ‘RETURN OF THE FLY’ and Sasha watched ‘LAST MAN ON EARTH.’ Both are great old-school horror movies. I mean they star Vincent Price, what else can you ask for? I’ve had enough foreplay, what about you? Shall I get to the good stuff and tell you what I thought about ‘RETURN OF THE FLY?’ Okay, here’s my take on the 1959 classic.

Ok. ‘RETURN OF THE FLY’ is a sequel to the 1958 classic, ‘The Fly.’ The film was directed by a dude named Edward Bemds and it stars Vincent Price and Brett Halsey. It runs just about 80mins and is black and white. The film also inspired another sequel (CURSE OF THE FLY-1965) which I’ve seen as well and is really not that bad. No Vincent Price in that one though so it loses some cool points. Now you know the particulars, how ‘bout we get to the plot, yes?

The plot basically breaks down as follows: Phillipe Delambre is the son of the doctor from the first movie. And as you may or may not know, in the first film, it ended badly for the poor doctor. So this film is all about his son (Delambre) trying to continue the experiment to vindicate his father’s work. Which, if you saw the first film, is no easy task. So while Phillipe is trying to continue his father’s work, his uncle, Francois (played by Price) refuses to help out. I mean he knows what went wrong the last time and he figures fuck it, why risk it. So you kinda have a little bit of a family drama to go along with all the teleportation and whatnot. So despite having no help from his uncle, Phillipe presses on causing several deaths and ultimately becoming a half man-half fly creature. Like father like son.

So there ya have it. The plot. Now usually I break the movie down a lil further by giving you some important stats. Now this film really didn’t have any of those numbers. Except for a body count and that number is 2 so there ya go. But no nudity, no foul language, no gore. But that isn’t to say this movie is a plie of shit. Quite the opposite. It’s a damn good film. In fact, I give it a solid 3.5 out of 5. Which is totally rare considering it’s a sequel. And let’s face it, most sequels are piles of fuck.

Well, there ya have it. My take on ‘RETURN OF THE FLY.’ Be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff as well. She’s doing a review on the film ‘LAST MAN ON EARTH’ also starring Vincent Price. Until nest time, take care, stay a-scared and I am out.

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