So, since this is mixed bag of horror week, I thought I’d post something other than a movie review. (And yes, I can write other shit. Contrary to popular belief.) So about a year ago I wrote a short story just for shits and giggles. I’ve written many of the last few years but this one is one of my favorites. So instead of a movie review, or a top ten list, I thought I’d share with you the first part of my story. I may break it into like three parts and post one part each week for the rest of this month. Or I may do it all this week. Not sure yet. But when I decide, you cats will be the first to know. So, how about we cut out the foreplay, and get to my story, yes? It’s called ‘Corpse Fucker.’ Great title, yes? Enjoy part one.
By: Zombie Zane
Ali’S Bar and Grill was unusually crowded for a Tuesday night. In fact, it was a regular beehive of activity. Then again, Ali was tending bar and her margs were legendary. Everyone on the west side of Fort Worth new of Ali and her margs. She didn’t normally tend the bar anymore, not since her brother Dillon had bought the place and named it after her. She was actually the manager but sometimes she would jump back behind the bar just for kicks. And she was a great bartender.
"Heya Nanette! How are you? Want your usual?" Ali said as she quickly swabbed the counter with a white dish towel.
Nanette was just about to request her usual drink when an idea struck her. Why not order something different? Why not be impulsive for once in her life? What’s the worst that could happen?
"I’ll have a Colorado bulldog tonight, Ali."
"Colorado bulldog? Are we feeling audacious this evening?"
"Audacious? Really, Ali? Audacious?"
"Don’t hate. I’m just putting my word o’ the day calender that Jason bought me to good use. Audacious was today’s word. It means..."
"Drink, Ali. Think drink."
"Okay, okay, I’m going. I’ll give it a little lagniappe for ya."
Nanette smiled as she watched Ali playfully skip away. Her ponytail bouncing rhythmically behind her.
"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?"
The voice startled her. She turned toward it and there next to her stood the most gorgeous, no, not gorgeous but the most pulchritudinous man she’d ever seen. Pulchritudinous. She wondered if that word was in Ali’s word of the day calender. The word meant beauty. She had learned that a few weeks back while watching the spelling bee on ESPN. Funny how at certain times the most random things seen to pop into your head.
Before she could respond, the man had taken the seat next to her. And God did he smell good. How could she even be thinking about this sweet smelling adonis when just hours ago the only man she had ever loved had just walked out on her. But there was something...something about this guy. It was like her mind was instantly surrounded by a cloud. It was if he were taking over, taking control of her. Taking control of her thoughts if that were even possible. She hardly noticed that Ali had slid a coaster and a drink in front of her. Ali had said something as well but she didn’t hear what it was. Her words seemed to vanish into a paroxysm of unintelligibility’s
"I’m Max," said the beautiful stranger as he took Nanette’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Nanette," she replied. She cursed the small waiver in her voice.
"Nanette, that’s a great name. I would love to spray your kitty with some of my thick, white, graffiti."
Her mind was in a heavy, peaceful malaise. What did he say? She really couldn’t remember. She simply smiled and nodded her head.
"So, Nanette, how long have you lived in the city?"
"Lived here all my life. Born and raised." Did she say that out loud? She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Her mind was still cloudy, or diluted, or something. She felt like she was outside of her body and her immediate surroundings were just images of the things they really were.
And his voice. His voice was like the singing of children, so sweet and so innocent. It made her want to cry.
She felt strange. Something deep down in her subconscious was screaming at her to run, run right home and away from him. But she just couldn’t seem to communicate it to the rest of her physical being. She was powerless. But it felt good. Oddly enough it felt good.
"I’m from Houston. The Bay Cliff area. I moved here about a month ago to finish up my residency at J.P. Smith. And I gotta say, I bet you have an amazingly tight ass hole."
The fog in her mind thickened and once again she wasn’t sure what he’d just said. So, like before, she just smiled and nodded her head not really registering what was going on.
"I’ve yet to see all of the metroplex and I would really enjoy seeing it with you." Max said. "You could be my tour guide and tell me all about the sites and landmarks and I’ll be thinking about how many times I can fuck your dead body before it starts to rot and stink."
Again Nanette’s mind clouded over. She tried the best she could but no matter how hard she pressed, she just couldn’t get what Max was saying. It was very dreamlike. Surreal.
"So, how is it a beautiful girl like you is sitting here, alone at the bar?" Max met her gaze and held it with his infectious blue eyes.
"Long story. And I don’t really wanna talk about it."
"Say no more. Tell you what, how about we get out of here and let me take your mind of all your worries and whatnot. I’m a professional. Shall we?"
Max rose from his bar stool and took Nanette’s hand. Still under his spell or whatever it was, Nanette followed him out the door and into the hot, humid Texas night.
It was the next morning. The morning after the night of the best sex she’d ever had. She had never came so hard and so much in her life. She couldn’t wait to call Tasha. Tash was going to plotz. Especially when she hears about how Max can’t have an orgasm like a normal guy. It took two well lubricated fingers up his ass and a cheese grater to get him off. She had never incorporated a cheese grater into her sex life before, but then again, all things aside, she had never had sex like that before either. Oh well, it seemed harmless enough. So what if Max was a little kinky in the bedroom. No harm no foul.
Just thinking of the previous night sent tiny volts of electricity down there. Down there to her intimate area. That was just what the doctor ordered. Mark? Mark who? She did feel a bit dirty and kind of whore-ish, but completely and utterly satisfied. The way she rationalized her one night of fun was simple. She just viewed her night of debauchery kind of like a REDBOX rental. One night and a dollar. Except it didn’t cost her a dollar. Nope, it cost her more. Much more.
Anyway, there it is. That was part one. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I decided to break it this story up into two parts rather than three. I’ll post the second part at the end of the week. Or maybe tomorrow. You’ll just have to keep coming back to see when. Be sure and check out Sasha’s stuff as well. Her nah-nah is always showing. So until next time, take care, stay a-scared, and I am out!
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Just drive by blogging today, and my wheels stopped here. Great site!
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