Friday, April 13, 2012

The Best Horror Movie of all Time: Bracket Style Round Two By: Zombie Zane

Hello Dead End Horror fans and noted pubic area shavers. What’s new bug-a-boo? Well, it’s Friday and that means that it’s time for me to do one more post before the weekend. Bet you’re all fucking excited and shit aren’t ya?

Anywho, today’s post will be round two of my best horror movie ever. Now if you haven’t read Wednesday’s post you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about. But not to worry. I’m gonna fix you up. I’m gonna re-post Wednesday’s shit along with the today’s new shit so you can see all the shit at once. How many shit’s is that?
What I’ve done is taken 16 of the best  horror movies and divided them up into four regions. Each one of those four regions has four horror films seeded one through four. You follow? Okay. Each movie will face off against another movie bracket style until only two movies remain. Hence the two horror movies that remain will duke it out to see which one is the best horror film of all time. You dig?
Still not getting it? That’s okay. Just keep reading and you will. This post I’m gonna be doing round two. Or the final eight. My next post will be the final four and then finally the Championship. As I said, I re-posted round one so those who haven’t seen it can catch up. The second round begins under Elite Eight Horror Movies. Go and peep it out.


South Region
1.  Hostel
2.  Scream
3.  Pet Sematary
4.  Nosferatu

Round 1  
1.  Hostel vs.  4.  Nosferatu: This was not as close as you might’ve thought. I love Nosferatu but Hostel was just the better film in this match-up. Hostel wins in a bloodbath.
2.  Scream vs.  3.  Pet Sematary: Close. So fucking close. I’m giving the victory to Pet Sematary here but not by much. Pet Sematary moves on to the second round.
North Region
1.  Child’s Play
2.  Salem’s Lot
3.  Poltergeist
4.  The Blair Witch Project

Round 1
1.  Child’s Play vs.  4.  The Blair Witch Project: Hella good match-up! I’ve seen both, I love both but Blair Witch wins this match-up in a close one.
2.  Salem’s Lot vs.  3.  Poltergeist: Holy fuck! How to pick this one? This was another close battle but Salem’s Lot gets the ‘W’ here and moves on.
West Region
1.  Let the Right One In
2.  Psycho (1960)
3.  Alien
4.  Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Round 1  
1.  Let the Right One In vs.  4.  Texas Chainsaw Massacre: LTROI wins this in a slaughter. I dig some TCM but let’s face it, Let the Right One In is far superior.
2.  Psycho vs.  3.  Alien: Two iconic horror films. What to do?  I’m going Alien here even though Psycho is the granddaddy of all slasher films. Alien moves on.

East Region
1.  The Exorcist
2.  An American Werewolf in London
3.  Saw
4.  Open Water

Round 1
1.  The Exorcist vs.  4. Open Water: Man, these are two totally different movies and both are scary as fuck. For different reasons of course. But The Exorcist wins this one. But closer than you would think.
2.  An American Werewolf in London vs.  3.  Saw: Hmmm. Interesting. I’m going with American Werewolf in London on this one. Mostly because Saw has too many fucking sequels and I’m a fan of Landis. Werewolf in London moves forward.

Elite Eight Horror Movies of all Time

1.  Hostel vs.  3.  Pet Sematary: Nice! This is a tough call. After careful consideration and much deliberation, I’m giving the win to Hostel. Not an easy choice but that’s the way I see it.
2.  Salem’s Lot vs.  4.  Blair Witch Project: Another fierce battle! Too bad there can’t be a tie. I’m going Salem’s Lot here. It was the first movie to scare the fuck outta me and therefore it moves on.
1.  Let the Right One In vs.  3.  Alien: Two totally opposite movies both with a unique style. I dig the shit outta both of these but I’m gonna have Let the Right One In move on to the next round. It’s just too good a movie to leave out of the finals.
1.  The Exorcist vs.  2.  An American Werewolf in London: Hands down the clear cut winner here is The Exorcist. It’s just too bad ass to go down at the hands of American Werewolf in London. Sorry, Landis. I love ya but...
Well, there you have it horror fans. We’re now down to four movies. What movie will be crowned the best horror movie of all time? If you wanna know, come back and check us out. I’ll post the final two rounds on Wednesday’s post next week. I’ll do the final four and the Championship then.

Until next time this is Zombie Zane and the busty Sasha Slaughter bidding you adieu.

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