Thursday, April 19, 2012

5 Things I'd Do If The World Was Going To End By: Sasha Slaughter

Hey dead heads!!! Thanks for stopping by to check me out...I mean us out...=). Today I'll be doing my surprise article...ooooh!!! It was Zane's idea and I figured what the hell, I always do what he tells me anyway. Sigh. 

Anywho, I'll be doing a list of 5 things that I'd do if the world was going to end, because those crazy Mayans apparently predicted that the world would end on December 21, 2012. I personally think it's a bunch of bullshit and it's just some nerds and crazies with boners freaking out over nothing. 

And in my humble opinion, the Mayan calendar thingy stopped because they ran out of rock to scribble on....or maybe they got drunk and forgot what the hell they were doing. Anyway, I thought maybe it would fun to do list, so here it is!!!

1.) Ream Zombie Zane in the ass for making me do shit I don't wanna do.
He does it all the time. Do this Sasha, do that Sasha. I'd make sure to ream him very well...with a giant strap on....and no lube. Take that Zane!!!

2.) I'd Shane some bitches. Yeahh, you know who you are. There are a few chicks I'd love to Shane right about now. You know, shoot 'em in the leg, let them get eaten by zombies or whatever. Sorry man. Well, actually I'm not sorry. Whores.

3.) Eat as much peanut butter as humanly possible. That's right, I'd waste some of my last minutes gorging on some peanutty goodness. Hell, if the world is ending, I wanna die with my favorite food in my belly!! Don't judge!!!

4.) Have much as possible. That's right, I wanna at least have one last 0 before I burst into flames or whatever. And I could incorporate the peanut butter with the sex too...huh huh. Two birds with one stone. Bam!!!

5.) Get drunk as hell. Yeahh. One last time hittin the hooch would def. make my list. Actually, I could get wasted, eat peanut butter, and have sex all at the same time. I bet that would get messy...gross. But if it were the end of the world, I really wouldn't care about getting dirty. Ok...maybe I would.

So there you have it. Those are five things that I'd do if the world were coming to an end. It's some silly shit, I know. But it's me...whattya want??? And I'm sure some of you creepers out there would do some wayyy more freaky shit. 

Don't lie. I know it's only the freaky ones that read our blog. Rawr!! And since you're stalking my stuff (not that stuff wish!!) don't forget to stop in and see what Zane's up could be anything!! And I'll bet whatever it is, he's doing in his shiny MP's. HA! And as always don't forget to check back next week for all new stuff here at Dead End Horror.

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